Image Capture delays.. big delays


Hello! I'll do my best to recall all relevant information.

I got my Mac Mini (refurbished) not long ago. OS 10.6.3

I set up the Canon Pixma MX320, and tested it out with image capture the first time. Worked perfect. A few days later I went to scan again, and image capture couldn't find the scanner (but it shows up in system preferences). I played around, and ended up installing the canon software for it. That worked fine the first time, then same problem intermittently. I will try to scan and it will take several minutes to 'initialize' it seems. I've since noticed the same hanging of digital cameras using image capture. A Nikon D50 shows up in the finder immediately, and I can browse from there, but image capture takes over 5 mins to even show the camera sometimes. Note there are other devices listed in image capture when it finally does get going (i.e. blue tooth cell phone), so I don't think it is a USB problem per se, but perhaps something with the image capture drivers or something related to that. I use USB printers, and hard drives no problem. Our canon powershot doesn't show up in the finder at all that I can see, and in image capture also it takes several minutes. I reinstalled the canon software (for the scanner) and it worked again right away, then returned to the long waits.

I ran apple hardware test and nothing came up.

Is there a way maybe to refresh the drivers image capture uses? I have everything backed up to time machine, but this problem has been going on for a while now.

I use ipods in itunes and don't really notice any problems in there with them on USB as well.
I downloaded some direct from canon, but notthat particular one. I'll try that when I'm. Back home from my trip in a few days. Thanks!
Just an update as I was FINALLY able to find the source of the problem!

Turns out it was because I had added two cell phones, paired with bluetooth, to the computer. Seems when image capture loaded up every time it was always trying to reconnect to the phones that were not active or ready to reconnect with it, so it would try for a while I guess untill it gave up or timed out, then it would go on with the rest. That resulted in the HUGE delay anytime image capture was involved. It seems the canon drivers must have been using image capture in some way as well.

I just went into sys preferences and deleted them from the bluetooth pref pane, and instantly now the scanner works, and when digital cameras are connected they show up instantly with all the pictures!

Same issue here with a significant delay before image capture would begin talking with my scanner, a Canon Lide 600 F. I had to wait several minutes before the scanner began doing something.

Removing 3 rarely used cell-phones from the list in bluetooth made the scanner responsive again. Simple fix but not at all obvious.