immigrating from Leopard 2 SnowLeopard


I have a powerbookG4 using Leopard and an iMac corei7 using SnowL. Ill be permanently using the iMac from now and on so i want to transfer all my files from PBook to the iMac but i also want to transfer the timemachine settings/backup that was loged from my PBook.
Is this something that can be done? How?
The first thing to do is find a Firewire cable (if the PowerBook has a Firewire port) and connect the two Macs together with that Firewire cable. Then reboot your PowerBook while holding down the T button while booting the PowerBook. This is called FireWire target disk mode. Then on the iMac open /Applications/Utilities/Migration Assistant and transfer over your pictures/videos/music. Since most of the PPC apps on the Powerbook will not run on the iMac (you can check the programs using Snow Leopard compatibility table).
ok so with the MAssistant i can transfer all the files to the iMac, of course im not interested in Applications since on the iMac ill have a new set of apps. How can i exclude the older apps or anything related to Leopard?

What about the TM backup set i already have from my powerbook? Will those be still accessible from the iMac in the same way as it was on PBook?
Well Time Machine is for that particle mac only. However there are ways over that if you are willing to get geeky a little. :)

The MacOSXHint Repair Time Machine after logic board changes should work getting into it.

However since you older Mac was a PPC and your new one is an Intel then I would start the Time machine process over again on the iMac after wiping that external. Just do the original firewire migration to get all the private data from the old PPC Mac and you should get all your data.
yes,i think it can be done