1.- No puedo importar mi mail desde Netscape 7.2. Tengo la versión OSX 10.3.9 y Mail 1.3.9. He intentado con todas las opciones para importar pero aparece este mensaje:
I could not import my mail from Netscape 7.2. I'm working with OSX 10.3.9 and Mail 1.3.9. I tried with all the importing options, but the message #1 is displayed.
#1 No valid (Netscape/Eudora/Other) files were found
2.- No puedo enviar/recibir mensajes. Aparentemente no toma en cuenta las configuraciones POP/SMTP y no las incluye en la lista de servidores disponibles.
I could not send/receive messages. It seems that the POP/SMTP configurations could not be founded and they are not included in the available servers pop up list. The message # 2 is displayed
Aparece este mensaje:
#2Message delivery failed:
The server smtp....com.mx cannot be contacted on port 25.
You can try to send using a different server. All messages will use this server until you quit or change your network settings.
Send message using: (a pup up list)
Aunque me contesten en inglés, prefiero preguntarles en español ¿está bien para ustedes?
Despite you answer me in English, I prefer to ask you in Spanish
it is allright for you?
I could not import my mail from Netscape 7.2. I'm working with OSX 10.3.9 and Mail 1.3.9. I tried with all the importing options, but the message #1 is displayed.
#1 No valid (Netscape/Eudora/Other) files were found
2.- No puedo enviar/recibir mensajes. Aparentemente no toma en cuenta las configuraciones POP/SMTP y no las incluye en la lista de servidores disponibles.
I could not send/receive messages. It seems that the POP/SMTP configurations could not be founded and they are not included in the available servers pop up list. The message # 2 is displayed
Aparece este mensaje:
#2Message delivery failed:
The server smtp....com.mx cannot be contacted on port 25.
You can try to send using a different server. All messages will use this server until you quit or change your network settings.
Send message using: (a pup up list)
Aunque me contesten en inglés, prefiero preguntarles en español ¿está bien para ustedes?
Despite you answer me in English, I prefer to ask you in Spanish
it is allright for you?