Inactive windows snap to cursor when focused??


Translator, Web Developer
I've had this problem ever since I got OS X (I'm still on 10.1.5 right now, Jag's in the mail).

When I have an unfocused window with another active app in front of it, and I click on the inactive app's window, in about 60% of the cases it will snap the centre of the newly active title bar to the cursor position, no matter where I click in the window.

For example, from the Finder (active app) I click in the middle of an IE window (inactive but visible) and it snaps the IE window down so that 3/4 of it is off the screen!

The cursor doesn't jump or anything like that.

Anyone else having this happen?
It's getting a little annoying... :p
i can't say i've ever had that happen. It definitely sounds inconvenient though... are you running some kind of third party mouse drivers that might have an option you can disable?
Yep i remember that. I don't think it has ever happened in jag (knock on wood). It didn't happen to often for me but every now and then.

Took me a second to figure out what you were trying to say though. :)

i know you said it's happened since you've owned X, but, by chance, do you have codetek virtual dektop installed?
That used to happen to me all the time but after I got 10.2 it stopped happening. So just wait patiently for it to come in the mail.