Installed Tiger over 9.2.2


Just want to report my experience in installing Tiger on my G4 450Mhz machine which was running 9.2.2. I believed the Tiger install instructions,which gave only two options: 1) Upgrading from 10.1 or later, or 2) installing on a drive with no OSX installed, in which case you are assured that the install will completely erase your hard drive. I obediently backed up all 10 Gigs of stuff, and pulled the trigger on the Tiger install. Installation went smoothly, except I never saw the screens that the instructions described. I was a little surprised when a screen came up saying that there was xxx space available on the drive. Why would it care how much space was available when it was going to erase everything anyway? To make a short story shorter, when the install was complete, it was basically "Fooled you, we didn't actually erase anything - but we made you do a backup anyway!"
Bottom line is that all my old apps and files were intact, all the OS9 apps start up automatically in Classic, my old system folder is there, and the installation was no more trouble than updating from 9.0 to 9.2.2, just took a little longer. Why do they make such a big deal out of warning you about the disc erase when they're not really going to do it?

By the way, I am a new member, and read a lot of posts before I installed, but still didn't know what to expect (except maybe trouble). I was very pleasantly surprised.

Well, for one thing, I believe they didn't really _expect_ people to still using OS 9. Maybe that's why the wording's wrong... If you already _have_ OS X on a partition, the wording's right, I guess...

I'm glad your experience was fine so far. I wish _my_ experience back then were OS 8.6 to 10.4 instead of to the public beta or 10.0. ;)
If you don't have OSX installed, what else could you be using except OS9? (or something even earlier?). I came late to OSX because until now 9.2.2 did everything I needed, but I just bought an Epson R1800, which, I found out only after I got it home and turned it on, works only under OSX. Judging from what I have read about 10.0 and 10.1, perhaps it was better to wait.

I think the reason for the wording about upgrades is: You don't upgrade from any system older than OS X 10.1, the installer simply installs the OS X system, and there is no option to upgrade. Your older system stays intact if you want it to. The default install does not erase anything. There was an option button at the screen when you chose the drive to install to. The options would allow you to choose to completely erase the drive if you want to do that.
The OS X install will always inform you about how much space you have available, if space is short (less than 4GB, I think) then you cannot choose all of the optional installs. OS X needs a lot of clear space for installation, even though the final product does not use all of that.
Actually, OS X crawls at low free disk space. I suggest never to have anything less than 1 GB free. Better 2 or 3.
I had been warned that OS9 apps would run slow under Classic, but I have found that if anything they run at least as fast as before and perhaps a little faster. Certainly no noticeable slowdown. I had 17 Gigs of free disc space, and Tiger only took about 5.
