Installing KDE Gnome and other window managers

Ok I have Gnome installed on MacOSx I have Xdarwin but when I run Gnome it says Bus error why is that and how can I fix it?
It sounds to me like you installed a PC version somehow, or there is a particular issue with OS X. Where did you get it from? How did you install it? Did you compile it yourself?

I would suggest you use Fink to download Gnome with all the patches for OS X in place. Fink simply automates the process of porting software to OS X. It is annoying to have to download XFree and such all over again, but it should work. (Fingers crossed)
Ok now my computer crashed:( I went on the Gnome site and entered some command in my terminal and then I had xplanet working in Xdarwin and then I rebooted and wham it crashed I had to reinstall OSX again. What files do I need from fink to install gnome? I am kinda new at installing this on darwin so the quickest way possiable would be great.
Fink will do all the downloading it needs by itself, though you really need a fast internet connection. Simply download and install Fink, go into a terminal and type fink, then pick the packages you want to install (not really easy, perhaps you might try downloading one of the GUI front-ends for Fink instead of using the terminal)

It will then download the packages and make adjustments for it to run under OS X, and automatically compile them.

What are you trying to achieve though? You may not even need to install KDE or Gnome. If all you want is to run xplanet, I'd suggest instead getting the Xfree86 install from under Unix apps and utils. Then, install OroborosX, also a point and click install from the same site. Then, you can install and run xplanet without needing to worry about gnome or KDE.

It depends on what you want to achieve. Fink is a little complex and time consuming, but if you need KDE or Gnome, it is the only way to go. If you simply need any old window manager, then OroborosX is the easiest since it is already set up for OS X.
Really I am just trying to get a window manager to work on my system. Just for fun and learning. What are the main files that I need to download to install Gnome?

Thanks for your help,
Check out Fink, the news that KDE has been ported to OSX have just surfaced. And available thru Fink as well!!

I suggest you read some documentation first. Here for example:

There is also agood tutorial at the MacOS Hints web site called 'XFree86 Install Guide', a little outdated, but still very helpful.

Although I know the procedure very well, and I have helped many people to do the same you want to do now, I found out that without learning further, you will probably get things messed up very quickly.

I could easily tell you that if you had XFree86 installed, the Apple Developer Tools (at least the December 2001 release), XDarwin and fink, configured your .xinitrc file and your .cshrc file, installed a window manager, like enlightenment, windowmaker, icewm, etc, then it would be only a matter to run in the terminal :

'sudo apt-get update'

and then :

'sudo apt-get install gnome-bundle'

and that will install among others, the following files:

i bundle-gnome 1.4-3 GNOME convenience package 
i gnome-applets Various applets for GNOME panel 
i gnome-audio 1.4.0-3 Audio files for Gnome. 
i gnome-core Common files for Gnome core apps. 
i gnome-core-shli Common files for Gnome core apps. 
(i) gnome-games GNOME games collection. 
gnome-games-dev GNOME games collection. 
gnome-games-shl GNOME games collection. 
i gnome-libs Base libraries for GNOME 
i gnome-libs-dev Base libraries for GNOME 
i gnome-libs-shli Base libraries for GNOME 
i gnome-print 0.35-3 Gnome Print - Printing libraries for GNOME. 
i gnome-print-dev 0.35-3 Gnome Print - Printing libraries for GNOME. 
i gnome-print-shl 0.35-3 Gnome Print - Printing libraries for GNOME. 
i gnome-user-docs General GNOME User Documentation 
i gnome-utils GNOME utility programs 
i gnome-vfs 1.0.3-2 The GNOME virtual file-system libraries

giving you gnome.

But it is a long road, and I repeat, read, study first. Don't rush or you will mess up things very easily.

BTW, in other topic, the fink project announced yesterday that Packages and pre-built binaries are now available for users interested in running KDE on MacOS X via Fink:

Good luck.

Ok this is what I get when I run sudo apt-get install gnome-bundle

Hacker by Birth Darwin by Choice
[localhost:~] hydroglo% sudo apt-get install gnome-bundle
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package gnome-bundle
[localhost:~] hydroglo%
Sorry, I already edited my post above.

First you must run :

'sudo apt-get update'

and then :

'sudo apt-get install gnome-bundle'

still getting this :( now what should I do?

[localhost:/] hydroglo% sudo apt-get update
Hit release/main Packages
Hit release/main Release
Hit release/crypto Packages
Hit release/crypto Release
Hit current/main Packages
Hit current/main Release
Hit current/crypto Packages
Hit current/crypto Release
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
[localhost:/] hydroglo% sudo apt-get install gnome-bundle
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package gnome-bundle
[localhost:/] hydroglo%
Something is very wrong, please tell me what you did, exactly from the beginning.

Please also give me the following info :

sudo echo $PATH

fink --version

Then, If you installed XFree86 with fink through the xfree86-base and the xfree86-rootless package run :

sudo fink list

and tell me those packages versions. They should have an i before the name. Like this :

i xfree86-base 4.2.0-5--------- XFree86 libraries, utilities, clients and d...
i xfree86-rootles 4.2.0-2---------MacOS X/Darwin XFree86 display server.

Also did you created in your home directory a ~/.cshrc file ?

Hacker by Birth Darwin by Choice
[localhost:~] hydroglo% sudo echo $PATH
[localhost:~] hydroglo% fink --version
Package manager version: 0.9.12
Distribution version: 0.4.0.cvs

xfree86-base 4.2.0-4
xfree86-rootles 4.2.0-2

They don't have a i in front of them

And I thought I made that file in my home dir but I can't find it.

Please, let's not waste time. Go and download the XFree86 Installation Guide from MacOS Hints as I suggested, then read it. Please......When you begin to understand it...............then follow it.

By the way, it seems the only thing you did was to install fink.

Where is the XFree86 installation ?

Also, the ~/.cshrc file is a dot file and invisible. You should have written it with a unix editor like pico. If you would have done that, then when you would open a terminal and you are at your home directory, if you would run:

ls -a

You would see it. Alongside with other invisible files and a list of your visible home directory.

BTW, in your ~/.cshrc file you should write:

source /sw/bin/init.csh

Do your homework, then if you have any problems, let me know.

Ok sorry for wasting your time. Xdarwin is installed on my system so if I have any problems I will post again.

Thanks for your time and help
It all could work, depends from where did you installed XDarwin and XFree86 and what versions ?

Can you give me that info?

If you have a previous installation of XFree86 have you made the following?:

cd ~/Library
mkdir init
cd init
mkdir tcsh
cd tcsh
pico path

When the editor opens, type the following:

set path=( $path /usr/X11R6/bin )

Then, press Control o , then press return, then Control X.

Now we just have saved the file path here: ~/Library/init/tcsh/path

Please, can you check you have the file path ?

Yes I have that path. I think that I have xfree86 4.1 I installed the one that is on the xfree86 guide you showed me. and I have Xdarwin 4.2.0 how would I make the files .xinitrc file and .cshrc file and what are they for. The xfree install guide does not tell me anything about them. Also I have windowmaker up and running on Xdarwin it works in fullscreen mode and rootless.
What are you talking about ?

In Page 4 of the Guide explains you how to cp your .xinitrc and how to create your ~/.cshrc file. Please read it again.
