Installing Mac OS X 10.2 6C98.

Is the Jaguar installer really 2 CD's. Now as I state in my subject, I don't know, but isn't WinXP all on one CD? I would hope not, as that would certainly take away one of my favorite gripes with Microsucks, bloatware. I loved the fact that at my former work I could literally put a base configuration for the university's machines (OS 9, Office, IE, Netscape, Virex, Quicktime, and several other small things) all on a CD and still have more than enough room to put a bootable system folder on one CD. Certainly we can segment, but one disc is better than two. Just my opinion though.
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All things are faster a little bit than OS X 10.1.5. I am using PowerBook G4 667 (VGA), 768MB. But I don't see any way that speed would be faster than 40%! But Application relaunch time has much improved. It is because the new BSD kernal. is very good. I like it now groups all Inbox of different accounts together.

Finder is not very stable yet. But sprind-loaded folder is very cool.

Genie effect is very smooth excepts minimizing QuickTime movies. It still like what it did in 10.1.5.

Still keep trying... Ask anything you want to know pls.
Yeah after using the 6c8x builds I had this nagging feeling that people expecting it to be as fast/faster than os9 are perhaps going to be dissapointed.

But then again....IIRC.... that guy said it was fast in a certain build he tried, so who knows. You can never tell with development builds and all that debug code/new features being added/tested all the time.

Damn the anticipation! Damn it!
Ok, I have 2 PowerBook G4 667 side by side comparing!

I found the window resizing is much smooth in OS X 10.2 compare to 10.1.5. For example, if you are brosing a webpage without compact content, you should resize the browser window better. It was test on Chimera 0.4.0 and

Window resizing is very smooth in Finder. Window scrolling is very smooth too.

I guess the probelm with minimizing QuickTime movies is because I don't have enough memory or it is only a preview release of Mac OS X 10.2.

Start up is around 10 secs faster than 10.1.5. It is still very slow compare with Windows XP.
guys, lets not forget that prerelease builds like ddma's still have lots of breakpoints in the code that the programmers leave in so they can debug easier/highlight what they want to work on. If added up they can be a real bottleneck. I'm sure things will be fastest in the actual released build when all the breakpoints are taken out.
Sure :-) And this version of OS X still buggy in somewhere like FTP in Finder doesn't display corrent folder list, etc...
Oh... and just checked my PC... OS X 10.2 doesn't take any shit in those connected folders! :) We can forget those .Trash., .A Folder A. sh*t!
Originally posted by sjb2016
Is the Jaguar installer really 2 CD's. Now as I state in my subject, I don't know, but isn't WinXP all on one CD? I would hope not, as that would certainly take away one of my favorite gripes with Microsucks, bloatware.
Have to disappoint you, XP comes on one nice little CD.
Maybe Mac OS X also goes a little bloatware, with all those languages and stupid things like iChat.
At least it seems one can choose now which languages to install.
Well, why we need to care how many CDs it comes with? We are still paying the same damn fu*king expensive price... And when software grows more advance, it will need more discs. Just like when you grow older and older, you will eat more and more, right? Heehee

DOS - 1 floppy
Windows 3.1 - 3 floppies
Windows 95 - 15 floppies
Windows 98 - 1xxMB in one CD-ROM
Windows Me - 2xxMB in one CD-ROM
Coming from a unix perspective, two disks isnt bad at all. FreeBSD with all the port and packages takes liek 4 or 5, and SUSE Linux comes on 6. If the bloat is for extra apps, even ones I will never use, I dont mind it as long as I can choose which ones I am going to install. Thank god I can now just install the epson drives and wont have 200+meg of extra printerdrives I will never need. The problem with windows is that it has gotten increasingly larger on the install side without providing a resonable amount of new apps or functionality in turn. Also, I think we have missed the really important point. Im mean really why do I care how many disks the windows installer takes... Im not planning on installing it any time soon.
Is the About this Mac 'X' icon jaguar fur, or is it still blue?

How well does the junk mail filter work?

What else is new?
Originally posted by ddma
Sure :-) And this version of OS X still buggy in somewhere like FTP in Finder doesn't display corrent folder list, etc...

But FTP in Finder is there? Sounds good. Did you check the FTP-Server's log to see whether it opens like 10 connections to the server like Mac OS 9 did with its funky Network Access application?
quit b!tching about the number of cd's the os is on. Apple sells 1 cd set for their os now, not several depending on the language. This is not only cheaper for apple, but also keeps you from having to repurchase the OS for a new language.

Apple is also including several apps that are not included with XP. Each app is going to take up more disk space. The more features teh OS has, the more disk space as well.

Call it bloat ware if you want, but in my eyes, its a bargain. And no matter how you look at it, OS X is way better than XP.
Originally posted by metfoo
quit b!tching about the number of cd's the os is on. Apple sells 1 cd set for their os now, not several depending on the language. This is not only cheaper for apple, but also keeps you from having to repurchase the OS for a new language.

Apple is also including several apps that are not included with XP. Each app is going to take up more disk space. The more features teh OS has, the more disk space as well.

Call it bloat ware if you want, but in my eyes, its a bargain. And no matter how you look at it, OS X is way better than XP.

Yeah. I'm a developer and I have to say it is NOT bloat. In the first developer package Apple sent me OS9. 16 CD's. Thats right! 16!

OS9 needs to have its own CD for EVERY language. OSX has all languages on one CD. Thats's why it seems so much larger.
Though it is certainly of good value to have all languages and a load of free programs on the OS install CD, it does not conform to Apple's extremely simplistic policies.

Remember installing old programs from 8 or 9 1.5 MB floppies? Remember how the CD obliterated that altogther?

Now the time has come when we are beginning to push the limits again, now with a consumer OS. I only suggest moving to DVD because Apple has the greatest conformity along its product lines, and has been pushing DVD for quite some time.

Suggesting this move has nothing to me reguarding this a bloatware, unecesarry, ect. Though other people may differ with me.