Interesting Panther Glitch

My desktop is usually hidden under a mass of windows, it is insignificant to me. The desktop I was using was ... less proper for a public forum so I changed it for the screen shot. :)

Now quit ripping on Fiona.

I'm starting to get useful behaviour out of exposé. It's a wierd transition to get used to, and my fn keys are small on all my usual keyboards. I have never gotten useful behaviour out of mouse speed scaling, and I am delighted to have found USB overdrive as a cure to that.

I also think that any application that dictates what f-keys do is asking for trouble. Those should be left user assignable. Them's just my 2 cents.
yes yes yes, expose will let you change which keys. That's good. Applications which do not afford you the same flexibility on fn keys is bad. I'm still using photoshop 5.5, so if they started hard coding f-keys after that I don't know about it, but I wasn't aware of photoshop dictating f-keys on the mac side.

Anyway, this philosophy of using mnemonics and key chording (alt or apple or whatever) rather than just adding more buttons is what gave mac users Apple-Q and Apple-W rather than alt F4. This is just that same philosophy. If you have 21 keys labeled F, you should be able to make them do cool stuff, but a program shouldn't make you remember which F-key does what.

Anyway, I'm totally going off topic, and I apologize for dragging the thread on my own personal tirade here. I like expose, and I'm glad it's there. It's a lot quirky in its implementation than fast user switching.
Well, that was my point, that the function keys in Photoshop actually are user-assignable... but I digress.