I have a secondary internal drive on my mac.
One day I got an error message something along the lines of the mac couldn't read the disk. The volume disappeared from the desktop. Then it started making odd knocking sounds!
On occasion, the manufacture/disk size does appear in DISK UTILITY (as well as the hardware options in DISK WARRIOR).
However the volume name does not appear in DISK UTILITY (nor the directory list in DISK WARRIOR).
How can I access my files to recover them?
Thanks in advance!
One day I got an error message something along the lines of the mac couldn't read the disk. The volume disappeared from the desktop. Then it started making odd knocking sounds!
On occasion, the manufacture/disk size does appear in DISK UTILITY (as well as the hardware options in DISK WARRIOR).
However the volume name does not appear in DISK UTILITY (nor the directory list in DISK WARRIOR).
How can I access my files to recover them?
Thanks in advance!