internet phone


can anyone recommend internet phone software?

I've no idea what is out there and what different types of tools there are.

my girlfriend is in delhi, india, and she can use internet in internetcafes that have msn messenger installed or icq. is there any way to connect to one of the two? the osx apps for those services do not support phone services (i think, i couldn't find anything)

is there software that allows dialup?

There is Mac2Phone. Head over to to check it out. I tried to use it once, but had some trouble. I believe Haxial is shareware and I didn't want to pay for it. I suggest you give them both a try. Let us know which you like and find success with.
You gave up?! Why? There are a lot of good phone programs outthere that work! The two that were mentioned here have worked for me in the past, why wouldn't they work for you? :(
i neded something that could do a dialup to a regular phone or at least something that would allow connecting to a win based service.

it was impossible to guarantee that i can connect to a mac running the same software, because the person i wanted to talk to (my girlfriend) only had webaccess at internetcafes with computers running win.

if there was solution for connecting to icq or msn, that would have been a compromise that i would have tried.

but that also didn't exist.

now my girlfriend is back and the phoneproblem is over with.

thanks for your interest.