internet problem in OSX


Hello all

I am having a problem and I need your expertise. I use a mac g4 1gh single processor. I'm running osx.2.6. I have a DSL internet connection.

Here's the problem: About a week ago I suddenly was unable to use any internet browser applications on OSX. Netscape, Internet Explorer, Safari - every one of these apps quit unexpectedly whenever I try to start them up. No internet apps are working in OSX. I can still access the net in classic, and that works okay, but not OSX.

I've run discwarrior, Norton antivirus, and Drive 10 - but it didn't help. I even reinstalled the system software from the disc. When I did that, my internet apps worked at first, but the very first time I restarted the computer, they all started quitting again.

I'm all out of ideas. Why is this happening and what can I do to fix it????
That's weird. :(

Have you tried creating a new user, and seeing if the problem occurs when logging in as that user? If it goes away, you may have a problem with a file in your usual user's Preferences folder.
Wow. I tried logging in as another user as you suggested, and it worked! I guess you nailed it. The problem is apparently in my user preferences. What should I do to remedy it? Do I trash the preferences?
'Glad it helped! :)

Well, I wouldn't trash all of the prefs. Just look for some likely suspects (ones with internet in the name might be a good start), then move them out of the preferences folder and into another folder you have reserved for this purpose. Then log out/in.

If the problem persists, move those prefs files back in and try the old "remove half, see if it works" routine to narrow things down more quickly.

Good luck!
Do you know what you might have done to cause this problem? What kind of stuff were you doing when the problems started? (Games, Photoshop, Word macros, etc.)
Hey Skynite, I took your advice, and through the process of elimination I was able to isolate the culprit. It was the Quicktime plug-in preferences. I trashed it, and now everything works great!

I can't thank you enough for your help Skynite - you're a godsend! Thanks a million!
Another one for that Quicktime Plugins pref. This time it knocked out all browsers! this seems to be a little troublemaker (easily corrupted apparently) Perhaps this needs to be bug-reported to Apple. Anyone ever done that?