Internet problem

Hi. I seem to be having a problem connecting to my internet properly. Its strange it says i'm connected to the router but some things I can't seem to do such as updating the mac, can't get access to steam, some sites won't work because they are asking me to add exception to access it and for some reason chrome won't work now. Also when I have access to a site such as forum I keep having to refresh the page to be able to click on different posts. It's a weird problem. Any ideas what it is? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think, you should check your firewall's security policy to make certain it doesn't monitor SOAP-requests as Web traffic.
Can't see the in the firewall section whether it's monitoring that. Tried the other stuff and still no luck. Might just have to look up an idiot's guide to setting up the internet.
This is....em... bizarre. It appears to be working again. I didn't do anything since checking the firewall. Turned it on this morning and noticed the time was wrong. Read some thing like the year being 2053. Changed the date then all of a sudden everything worked fine. Very bizarre but thanks everyone for the help :)