Internet wireless connection problem


I have a wireless problem, i installed windows XP Service pack 2 on my 17" 2.33 MacBookPro with boot camp 1.1.2 beta (last version i think) i already burned the Mac OS X drivers, i installed everything (Windows XP and Mac OS x Drivers) without a problem, but the problem comes when i try to get into internet wirelessly (on XP) it does not connect to my network (i have a Router D-Link DSL-G604T with a WAP security key and i've already disabled the XP's firewall) i get into the internet by the ethernet (still on XP) and it works! but the worst part comes when i restart my computer and i go to the Mac OS X partition, the wireless communication is broken too!! Then i have to get into the router (still on OS X via ethernet) changhe the router's access point name and then it works again but if i restart and go into XP partition one more time the wireless connection does not work and disable the wireless access in my Mac OS X again! please help me (sorry for the big explanation)
I think you should turn off your wireless security until you get this sorted out. When you have wireless working on both OS X and Windows, then you can re-enable your security. You will be assured that there's no problem with the connection on either OS X, or Windows. Then, you may find that you need to choose a more-compatible password. For a 128 bit WEP setup, always choose a 13-character password.
i already did, i turn the security off but the same problem persits exactly the same, Is there something wrong with the windows or something with the installation process, do i have to reinstall windows? please as soon as you can answer me 'cause i find this problem very strange to me, 'cause in the XP side everything is well recognized and in de OS X side too (of course) so i still don't find what the problem could be.
yes i did, and now i already erased WP but the problem i have is that in OS X i can't get into the internet what a maudit windows!!!, i cannot get into the router (by the airport, Ehternet works fine)
Are you using a hexidecimal password? I had a similar problem when trying to connect my friends xp laptop to my wirless network, for some reason it only worked when I used hexidecimal. There should be (atleast there was in mine) an option in your routers settings, that automatically generates hexidecimal passwords for you.
Well, somehting that i did was reset the hole router (putting again the firmware) and did all the configuration process (passwords, names access,etc) i put a WPA string psk and now everything seems normal exept for the issue that the pc does not connect all the time and the mac gets mad and lose the ip addres that the router gives to it.