I have an Iomega HD (IHD) and two Macs. I can write things on my IHD at the office, but when I get at home it says I don´t have the permissions to write.
Then I went to the"Obter informações menu" ( I guess in english is Ask informations, or Obtain informations Menu ) and I change there the permissions to write and it still doesn´t work.
What kind of partitions must I have to work at least on all Maccintosh?
PS .At the office I´m using the IHD to make back ups on TimeMachine
thanks very much for your time
I have an Iomega HD (IHD) and two Macs. I can write things on my IHD at the office, but when I get at home it says I don´t have the permissions to write.
Then I went to the"Obter informações menu" ( I guess in english is Ask informations, or Obtain informations Menu ) and I change there the permissions to write and it still doesn´t work.
What kind of partitions must I have to work at least on all Maccintosh?
PS .At the office I´m using the IHD to make back ups on TimeMachine
thanks very much for your time