iPad Photos app


Am I crazy, or is there a feature missing from the iPad Photos app that was there before the iOS 5 update?

I seem to remember the ability to rotate photos in the Photos app on my iPad before the iOS 5 update, and now that feature seems to be missing. Did I miss something? Or, am I imagining things?
Click the "Edit" button at the top of the screen, then you should be able to choose from several options at the bottom of the screen -- one of which is "Rotate."
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Click the "Edit" button at the top of the screen, then you should be able to choose from several options at the bottom of the screen -- one of which is "Rotate."

When I select a photo there are only four buttons available at the top. On the left is the Photos (back) button. On the right are Slideshow, "share" and trash can buttons. There is no edit button. Perhaps something about the Photos app is hosed and maybe a hard reset would fix it?

Any ideas?
Strange... You absolutely sure you're on iOS 5 and not iOS 4? All those buttons you mention are at the bottom of my photos app...
Below is a link to a screenshot showing the buttons across the top as I've explained in my previous post. Along the bottom of the screen is a row of thumbnails of my saved images. There is no Edit button to be found.

This is on an iPad running iOS 5.0.1

Click here to see screenshot
Very interesting... I'm trying to replicate it on my iPad and I can't. Where did these photos originate from? Did you sync them from iPhoto on your Mac, or were they taken with the iPad's camera?

Oh, and iPad 1 or 2?

Edit: It seems that the iPad 1 does not support the editing features in the Photos app as the iPad 2 does. I'm guessing you have an iPad 1, and everything you're seeing is absolutely normal (but obviously disappointing).
iPad 1 on iOS 5.0.1. However, I used to have this feature available before. Not sure why it's missing now.