some people have computers with hard drives smaller than the newest ipods.
also, some people partition their hard drives for various reasons.
if steve jobs didn't have a tumor growing out of the side of his head, maybe he would design a product that would allow one to sync from a c.d. (another storage option).
or to continually add to your ipod's photo library rather than replacing it every goddamned time.
though, it IS apple policy just to throw everything out and replace it with something new(refurbished with a clean case) rather than actually figure out what's wrong and fix it.
in fact, apple replicates most of america's view on things.
if it breaks or falters, just chuck it out and get a new one.
don't try to fix it or understand the issue.
i hope someone creates a shareware or freeware program that overrides the stupidity of apple, as has been done for so many other applications.
and i wish you guys would stop being sheep and take your cue from the guy who questions things rather than tell him shit he already knows.