iPod Hard-Drive Question


Since the iPod is a hard drive that shows up on my desktop, it it ok to work off of it? I'm making a DVD and some of the info is HUGE and won't fit on my home computer. But it's sitting nicely on my iPod. Now can i work off of it? Is that ok?
Yea i've read that too. However i don't believe it. There is to much *fuzzy* information. I'll have to go to the Apple store and ask some day. Maybe this weekend.
I've used it like you're talking about and haven't had any problems yet... Apple says that you are supposed to be able to use it like that, although the FAQ on the iPod does say that Apple doesn't support booting off of an iPod. I've heard that's because it's hard on the drive since system files are accessed so often and are so spread out, but I don't know for sure.
yea i don't wanna boot off it, i just don't have room for my 10 gigs of video footage on my desktop.
I went to the Apple Store in the Mall of America and talked to them and they basically told me the hard drive in the iPod should be suitable for any kind of use.

It wasn't specifically designed to be constantly spinning at a high rpm and hasn't been extensively tested, but anything like that is covered under the one year warranty. As far as the battery issue goes I found that if you have alarms turned on, even if you don't have any alarms, it will drain your battery like nobody's business. So if you're iPod isn't holding a charge, turn off the alarms and see what happens.

They suggested not running on OS on it, but they said for just storage you shouldn't have any problems at all. The only reason they said you probably wouldn't want to run an OS is because they haven't tested it for the constant spinning at such a high RPM...I tried running X.2 on mine and I couldn't get it too boot, it just stalled at the gray apple screen.

I installed OS 9.2.2 on my iPod 5GB (as a backup HD) and disabled disk cache, and did some other things to minimize disk usage... It boots just fine, runs well, and all that.

But man, did that thing ever get HOT!! I had to actually put a zip-loc bag of ice cubes against the metal backing (heat-sink) to keep it at a reasonable temperature.

So, I'm not doing that again!

Working with files shouldn't be too much of a problem, but I would advise against constant usage, since they've got a point about constant high-spin and excessive heat. It was well above the maximum reccomended operating temperature.

But it does work, and my iPod is undamaged (as far as I can tell). :cool: