Rio is dead. Its owner, D&M Holdings Inc, is stopping its MP3 player business.
Rio is dead. Its owner, D&M Holdings Inc, is stopping its MP3 player business.
MacDailyNews Take: It's the natural order of things. Survival of the fittest and all that. First the weak go, then the not-so-weak. Apple's iPod is turning out to be quite the real killer: "iPod Killer," get it? That's "Mr. iPod Killer" to you, bub. And we have a feeling that iPod's about to go "serial" sooner than later.
I think the 5-year-old Macs looked much, much better, with the exception of the G5 tower. The current models look like they belong in a hospital. And I hate hospitals. Ruby, Indigo and Sage were nice. But I digress....Lt Major Burns said:look how much better the current lineup of macs look compared to that of 5 years ago.
ElDiabloConCaca said:There is no legal content available for such a device.