Lt Major Burns said:
the european noise levels directives in small devices etc. it's the MAN telling us what we can do!
You're referring to the power-off after sync/charge problem? Well, without getting offended, yes. Obviously that was the first thing I tried. Then adding 'sleep' to the main menu, selecting it does nothing - it makes a click sound when 'clicked' but will not, for the love of God, turn off. Before I updated the firmware, it would kill the backlight until the button was released then the backlight would come on again, now it does nothing. As I've tried saying, this IS a known problem, others have it - just do a search and you'll see postings galore about it all over the web. PLUS I've got a friend who has exactly the same problem, so it's not me, or my specific iPod. I had a theory that it was because disk mode was enabled and perhaps the iPod thought it was still connected but even changing that option didn't help.
The only workaround (since resetting does help some users with this problem - but not me) is to manually eject the iPod (since it's in disk mode) then leave it (still under USB power) until it goes off by itself (actually a big charging icon comes up), then disconnect it. I can then power it on and off without a problem. It's ONLY after a sync/charge that the problem manifests itself like the evil ghoul it is.
To be honest, I griped about it because it's crappy but this is a Mac OS X forum really, I've found more help and others with similar problems on more iPod-specific forums, and the only fix is to do what I'm doing now.. ..and hope Apple will identify and fix the problem in a future firmware release. Bit of a pain, I wanted the freedom to whack it in the dock, update then go.. now I have to sit and wait. grr.
To quote "Albert F" who put a review of the 20GB photo iPod (which my friend has) on the Amazon page ( "Another big problem with the Ipod is it's inconsistency to turn off. Resetting the Ipod may help solve the issue but it's an annoyance. Pushing and holding the play/pause button won't always do the trick, making me click in and out of menus and repeating the hold process to make it work."
Another off a blog: "Apple did a great job making it easy to use, apart from one feature which drives me nuts! The feature I'm talking about is the way that you turn the device off. Apparently you're meant to hold down the play/pause button for a few seconds in order to turn it off. Not only is this not intuitive at all, but it doesn't seem to work a great deal of the time."
I can cite examples until I'm blue in the face. It's an irritant, there is no fix, just a workaround. I dare say if more people had the problem then Apple would have fixed it as a priority, but seeing how it's a relatively small number of users, we'll be waiting quite a while for a fix....