iPod Touch says everyday is my b-day


The Lone Deranger
Yep, so in iCal, I have my birthday set for one date only (non repeating) and my iMac's iCal syncs with my iTouch's iCal. So when I go to iCal on my iTouch, it shows that every single day is my birthday; huh?

Why is everyday my birthday?:confused:
Why are you so lucky?
I wish my birthday was every day, too!

How can I set that up? :D
It's probably a change that you have made to that event in iCal... You should check that event. It may help to delete your birthday event completely, then re-sync to your Touch.
If that's the only event where you have problems, I will go out on a limb, and say that you really don't need to remember your own birthday, do you?
Lucky you! And you complain? :D

Just tell how to set it up for showing the birthday every day - that will be every kid's dream. And then set it up to show the same way in the parents and gf/bf/other calenars too :)

What time format do you use? US? Are both versions of iCal with the same regional settings? (those are from system preferences each so are both iMac and iPod Touch set to same region and settings?)
:D They're both in the same regional settings. I'll just delete the event, resync, and put the event back in iCal. I remember I used to have problems with the iMac's iCal a couple months ago.

Thanks guys and happy birthday :p