iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connection Trouble


Hello all! I have a 16GB iPod Touch running 2.1. I can connect to wi-fi at home without a problem. I cannot connect anywhere else. When I try, I get an error "Safari cannot open the page because it is not connected to the internet." When I try to check mail: "The connection to the server imap.gmail.com" failed. These work fine at home.

The network I am trying to connect to appears to have full strength, it lists an IP Address and Subnet Mask, DHCP (rather than BootP or Static) is highlighted, I tried renewing the lease, and HTTP Proxy is off.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Are you putting in the correct WEP/WPA key for the "other" wireless network? What kind of security does the access point use?
Thanks for the response. The networks I am trying to connect to do not require a password. I am trying it at work now, and I tried it at my friend's house.