iPos Shuffle and iTunes


HampCake Studios
I've post this thread in "System & Software" and not in "Hardware & Peripherals" 'cause I think this is a software question.

I've an iPod Shuffle. Everytime I plug-in it and I open iTunes, all the mp3s inside are deleted even if I've disabled the autofill feature.

Is there a way to add my mp3s to the old ones already in without having to do it by browsing the invisible folders using finder or terminal?
3mors said:
I've an iPod Shuffle. Everytime I plug-in it and I open iTunes, all the mp3s inside are deleted even if I've disabled the autofill feature.
That shouldn't be happening. Make sure you have the latest firmware installed. If that doesn't fix the problem, take your shuffle back and get them to replace it.

the fact is that my itunes library is always empty, i add the songs everytime i want.
i have also an iPod 1st generation, and if the library is empty, iTunes doesn't delete all the songs inside the iPod, but it does it on the iPod Shuffle.

i plug-in the iPod Shuffle and iTunes says: updating...
then the iPod is empty.

i want that the mp3s inside the iPod Shuffle remain there til i choose to manually delete them, even if my library is empty.
"Autofill" should be off, as you've done, but you also need to switch "Automatic Syncing" to "Manual syncing" in the iTunes preferences as well under "iPod."
ElDiabloConCaca said:
you also need to switch "Automatic Syncing" to "Manual syncing" in the iTunes preferences as well under "iPod."
i can't find this feature on iTunes/iPod preferences.
please tell me where it is.
iTunes > Preferences > iPod > Manage Playlists manually

(I just sent my iPod off for repair, and you can't access the Preferences without an iPod connected, so I can't verify the exact wording of the option)
i haven't that option. i'm running itunes 4.7.1.
this is my preference pane for ipod.


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I'm pretty sure the Shuffle syncs by default, so you'll have to keep your songs listed in the iPod's source list to keep iTunes from blowing them away. But there's no serious harm in doing that as long as you don't have iTunes automatically copying to your library and duplicating everything.
ehehe sure, but i hate having thousands of songs in my itunes library, i prefer adding them one by one when i want to listen to them or... adding them one by one on my ipod shuffle...

i know that's not the same as a normal ipod, but what's the problem with it? why do i have to add all the songs to my shuffle in different way from my original ipod? this is not user friendly as we are used with mac os x
Well, it's simply as stated above: The Shuffle is a companion to iTunes. If you empty your iTunes, you empty your Shuffle. And it's not _thousands_ of songs for a Shuffle, is it...
Well, then I really don't get what you're trying to do... You don't want to keep your songs in iTunes' library. Well: Only keep those in the iTunes library that you want on the Shuffle, then? That should do the trick...
I'm having a hard time understanding why you don't just create a Shuffle playlist and place songs in there as you desire. I'm having an even harder time understanding why you don't keep all your songs in the iTunes main library.

I'm all for individuality, but it appears you are taking away the strongest components of iTunes and then wondering why things are so frustrating. Like removing the engine from a car then wondering why it won't run.

Not trying to be an ass, just confused as to your goal.
fryke said:
Well, then I really don't get what you're trying to do...
lbj said:
it appears you are taking away the strongest components of iTunes and then wondering why things are so frustrating.
i dont want to be nonconformist, it's only that i'm used to use itunes in that way, i was only wondering why original ipod and ipod shuffle must have two different way of filling.

i'm used to empty my itunes library also because for me it's better to create a new playlist everytime i work, listening to the songs i want in that moment and, as my mp3s are well-organized in folder, i think that's useless having all of them always on itunes (also because itunes slows down with many mp3s)

anyway, i think i should be able to choose my way of filling, in my opinion it's not user-friendly as for original ipod, and i criticize it, is it my fault not accepting all apple does?
3mors: I was at first, after reading some of these replies, going to jump in and say, "Hey, I don't think what he's asking is out-of-the-question," but then I re-read the part where you said you keep your iTunes library empty...

That's counter-intuitive to what iTunes was designed for -- it was designed and operates like a piece of software that manages a library of songs. The "Library" playlist should always contain all of your songs, and custom-made playlists will contain sub-lists of songs (like a "My iPod Shuffle Playlist" and "Classic Rock" and "Recently Added" and so on...). These song files can be from one, single place on your hard drive, or across multiple hard drives, making managing all your music easy.

Ah, I guess my point is that what you would like to do with your shuffle, I believe, is completely possible. It's not that you're using the shuffle the wrong way (although I hate using the word "wrong," as it's just "counter-what-is-intended"), it's that you're using iTunes the wrong way.

If you're like me and look at your iTunes library and feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of songs and inability to manage thousands of songs in one, big list, then playlists are for you -- as I quickly discovered. No need to remove songs from iTunes simply because you don't want it listed anymore, but still want the file on the shuffle -- just keep it in the Library, but don't add it to any playlists.

At any rate, if you're up to it, try leaving all your songs in iTunes, make playlists, and then try to use your shuffle as you were before... I have a suspicion it might work as a drag-and-drop style audio player that way. I hope that helps!