Iran: Thoughts?


Staff member
Okay... I know many here hate policitical discussions and honestly, if you have a hard time dealing with opposing views... then please refrain from reading further.

I am curious what folks think about Iran and their current verbage spewing forth about Israel and the associated reactions either by Israel or other countries, EU, etc.

I obviously have my own opinion, but will let others get things started. ;)
Iran is a totalitarian fascist regime, but good old Khamenei is doing a great job on PR.
I'll answer that one once the USA answers the questions about the CIA flights and torture camps.
g/re/p said:
I think the whole damned middle east should be vaporized from the face of the earth.

Being from Texas, you are pretty much a subject for vaporization yourself.
I personally just turned 18... and yeah... if a war happened: war + draft = me dead. I am also what you would probably call a pansy.
Slutty Bear said:
I personally just turned 18... and yeah... if a war happened: war + draft = me dead. I am also what you would probably call a pansy.

get in line behind me.

I never thought america should have been in Iraq in the first place. What happened to Osama? I don't think America will do anything in Iran because of their investment in this Nation (oil money) & Halliburton
g/re/p said:
I think the whole damned middle east should be vaporized from the face of the earth.
Uffff, what a statement.
Let's rethink the dicussions about the civilized regions.
Btw, I am iranian.
I will give some impressions when I have a moment. Just had to give a statement to that classic post of an american g/re/p.
HaHa! I knew that would ruffle some feathers, but so be it.
If i was in the position to make such a decision i would NOT
actually vaporize the middle east - but only because innocent
people would die alongside the jihadists.

The way i see it is this: A very large group of a certain
religious persuasion - in this case radical islamists -
want to force non-islamic people to convert to their religion
with the only other choice being death.

If these smacktard nutcases are willing to die for their warped
ideals, i think someone - or some country - should help them
toward that goal.

Maybe we could get them to all go to Norway and then
nuke them after they drive all the norwegians out...
(make sure they let fryke escape - i like him)
I'm in Switzerland, though. ksv's in Norway, I believe. But I like _him_, too, so... :)
Perseus said:
Cut the superficiality.

I think the only way to end the superficiality of this discussion is to contribute to it in a more thorough way ;)
You seem to have opinions on the subject; share them!
Allow me to contribute to the superficiallity of this thread:

Bad: Bush administration, Iranian government, people who kill anybody, Hitler, stepping in dog doo.

Good: Barbara boxer, grilled cheese sandwiches.
I typically don't have time to devote to these discussions, but I must admit that I'm a little disappointed with the present state of the situation.

(1) Although Iran has potential for democratic reform, the moderate (reform) majority totally blew the last election by fragmenting itself across parties.

(2) The present government in Iran is seeking nuclear weapons and knows that its time is limited because (hopefully) the next round of elections will see a the reformers taking control.

(3) The US is preoccupied with Iraq, Afghanistan, and others. (By the way it is not impossible that the US was given bad information about Iraq from Iranian agents -- if so it was an excellent plan.)

(4) The EU is not handling the negotiations well. Europe's refusal to build a continental army leaves them dependent on the US military for enforcement of UN sanctions.

(5) The possibility of a useful security council resolution seems slim -- Russia has a vested interest in making this situation drag out.

I have no idea what is going to come from all of this, but it doesn't look good. Once Pakistan tested it's nuclear weapons it was apparent that the clock was ticking on the spread of these throughout the middle east. The combined policies of the US and EU has done nothing to democratize this region. Both have vested time and money into supporting dictatorship and monarchies rather than honest democratic movements. The first attempt to destabilize these was the war in Afghanistan, but this was so late in the game -- of course this is easy to say now since we don't worry about the Stalinists as we once did.

For as much as many HATE the Bush government, we've come to a point that the only hope is that the new Iraq and Afghanistan grow in strength and security and that there is a domino effect.
spb said:
For as much as many HATE the Bush government, we've come to a point that the only hope is that the new Iraq and Afghanistan grow in strength and security and that there is a domino effect.
Well... The first error is the thinking that there's *one* way of democracy. The second (and worse) is the wish to push countries that are simply not ready for it into this *one* form of democracy. You make it sound as if a two-party system (or even a one party system, ooh, fun...) is the one and only way to govern a country, but for example Germany and Switzerland have very nice multi-party systems. And even those countries' form of government is highly different from each other. It depends on scale and diversity of the people which have to be governed.