Is there anyway to Obtain Classic?

whitesaint, just buy the &%$¤"! os and quit returning it. it's worth the money. if you keep returning the cd it's your own fault when you run into problems ... *sigh*
silly person.
Hey jedi member.... can u put some of the force at work to show this guy the right way ... or should I just curse him with my daemonic powers ?? LOL....

This guys seems has a lot of probs ha ha ha ha.... I think he should buy OS X, keep it, and use the dev tools to make his troubles go away :D
*lol* admiral... what was it obi-wan said: "the force has a great influence on the simple minded..." may be worth a try...:) :) :)

no, but seriously, whitesaint, you just can't expect everything to work out fine if you don't keep the cd... and you can hardly complain if you haven't even paid ...
you guys here are very nice but also very naive....

its obvious whitesaint is pirating macosx or actually doing what ehs claiming and installing it and returning it so he doesnt have to pay for it.

Now i dont know if i want to help him, but this is whats going on, and ill help i guess.

He installed osx and he didnt have 9.1 installed on that disk. He wants to install 9.1 but he doesnt have it. what happens if you try to install any other version of os9 besides for 9.1 it will install itself into very strange places on your osx drive. what you have to do is install 9.1 and then osx on top of it.. its not possible in reverse. or, if you have a second partion or a second drive, install 9 update it to 9.1 and then go into osx system prefs and select the 9.1 system.

The thing i dont understand, is if he is claimingo that ehs buying osx and then returning the thing, how come he cant install os9.1 that comes with osx and then osx and then return it? its very obvious that this guy isnt actually purchasing osx.
well what ever he/she is going we figured we can ridicule him/her a little into buing it and then help the poor soul out. We are mac people lol we help others out ... we're not winblows idiots lol ;)

btw we havent seen whitesaint around for a while .. and I am still waiting for that astroanalysis of his/hers :cool: LOL :p

4 days till I leave for vacation!!!!! :D
if we want something for free... and it absolutely positively has to have an "X" in it... then go get LinuxPPC, YellowDog, or whatever dist. of Linux, download MOL (mac on linux), put 8.6 on it, or whatever disc you DO happen to own, and move on.
You'll have a pretty similar configuration, at least.
minus Aqua anyway... but at least you can have some great window managers and all that *nix power at yer fingertips.
my 2 cents anyway... :D
Tried to use LinuxPPC... had problems :p
Modem wasnt recognized (needed searching and other things...things I know how to do now but not then). The GUI was stuck in GNOME, could not change it to anything else without corrupting username/password storage file or whatever the heck the UN/PW is stored in and could no longer log in ... oh it was a pain! Furthermore with a single buttoned mouse...its a further pain. I think one of the Function keys was a mouse button lol.

On the other hand I installed SuSE 7.1 on VPC and it's a blast! Supereasy! :D
single-button mouse??

Took me almost two solid weeks before I found myself a nice Logitech.
I have just become waaaaay to used to having three/four buttons and a wheel right there at my fingertips.
But that's from force of habit.

I guess I didn't notice some of that stuff with LinuxPPC, since I'm not on a dial-up. Set up for my eth0 card was easy.
Although.... I'm *always* on the lookout for a new version of an OS to play around with. Trying to find something decent to put on my Blue and White 350..... Yeah, I could do X, I do own TWO copies (heh heh), but I like to play in other peoples yards, you know?
(if only BeOS had a current PPC release... sigh)


am I going OT here? shame on me.....

As for other OSes... dont get me started lol
I have and external firewire HD with a lot of VPC drives and several OSes lol :p
