Is this a joke...?

Originally posted by RacerX
USB (designed by Intel) was around for quite a few years before Apple started to use it. In that time there was almost NO products that used USB
there were 19 when apple announced iMac for anyone who's interested.
yes I agree firewire should have been made a point as well as QuickTime. But they'll never listen. I just wonder where MRFRG is:D

Please, one off topic comment to Matrix Agent:

Are you the "You're getting a Dell, Dude!" dude? or are you just using his image??? If that's really tou, no insult intended. NOw back to Civ III. As Chairman Bismark, I am wiping the planet with the Zulus and the French!
Originally posted by Jadey

A couple of quotes:

"Their new OS which they call OS X is based on Linux"

most linux folks know the difference between bsd & linux...

yeah, most do. but last year i had to take some comp classes for my final school exam. so this dude is a comp teacher, he works at an comp-education company, here's a quote : "yeah yeah... macos x, that's linux again anyway..."

moron... :D
i sent this to those uninformed bastards:

Subject: Regarding "Apple Powerbook G4 By The Review Crew "

You guys are way off base, and I suggest that you do some research before you post bogus articles like this one. Let me just point of a few of your mistakes:

1."There is very little in the way of software available for the Apple when you compare it to the PC offerings."
This is very wrong. There is a ton of 3rd party software available for the Mac. (not MAC that stands fro Media Access Control) Almost every UNIX utility can now be compiles to run under OS X. Apple list many, but not all of the applications available for OS X here:

2. "Their new OS which they call OS X is based on Linux..."
Mac OS X is a BSD based operation system. And you could have easily found this out by check this page on

3.They aren't giving enough incentive to developers to do anything for the Apple OS and because they don't have developers making software...
Wrong. A CDR of Mac OS X Developer Tools ships with every copy of OS X and they are also available for free from If this is not incentive to develop OS X applications then I don't know what is.

The author(s) of this article need to step away from the crack pipe and start doing their research. has made it to my list of site that are not worth visiting.

Poor journalism will get you nowhere,
I'm glad you guys sent feedback. My concern is people who don't really know much about Mac OS X will read that article and just believe it. Years from now, will we hear "Mac OS X sucks because... there are no 3rd party applications"? (Insert any other point from argument here).

RacerX hit almost every point I'd make, with the exception of FREE developer tools which twyg & holmbrew mentioned. A well-written windows users feedback like BlingBling's is also essential for this "reviewer" to hear.

Now let's hope the site gives reason a chance and publishes these corrections.
Interesting... so this so-called review has now been removed from's site. Maybe an editor finally got a chance to read the article and realized it was a flame, not a review.
Originally posted by Jadey
Interesting... so this so-called review has now been removed from's site. Maybe an editor finally got a chance to read the article and realized it was a flame, not a review.

or they just can't take critics. :D

nah, i also think that someone finally realized how stupid that article was. well, better late than never.
Philip Ferreira took the time and effort to give the TiBook a good honest look in his review entitled: Will the real G4 Powerbook Review Please Stand Up? (which you can find here: ). It covers all the important points that I wanted looked at, which was mainly that someone who had actually seen a TiBook give the review. All and all I am quite happy, with the notable exception of the language of point 4 of his postscript (but I imagine anyone hit with that many negative e-mails has some right to be a little up set :D ).
OS X based on linux ?
What dimention is this dude from ? :p

I think people with a non-functional brain need to be taken away and educated lol -- this is jsut hilarious to see them make a fool of themselves :p
