i sent this to those uninformed bastards:
Subject: Regarding "Apple Powerbook G4 By The Review Crew "
You guys are way off base, and I suggest that you do some research before you post bogus articles like this one. Let me just point of a few of your mistakes:
1."There is very little in the way of software available for the Apple when you compare it to the PC offerings."
This is very wrong. There is a ton of 3rd party software available for the Mac. (not MAC that stands fro Media Access Control) Almost every UNIX utility can now be compiles to run under OS X. Apple list many, but not all of the applications available for OS X here:
2. "Their new OS which they call OS X is based on Linux..."
Mac OS X is a BSD based operation system. And you could have easily found this out by check this page on apple.com:
3.They aren't giving enough incentive to developers to do anything for the Apple OS and because they don't have developers making software...
Wrong. A CDR of Mac OS X Developer Tools ships with every copy of OS X and they are also available for free from apple.com. If this is not incentive to develop OS X applications then I don't know what is.
The author(s) of this article need to step away from the crack pipe and start doing their research.
Reviewboard.com has made it to my list of site that are not worth visiting.
Poor journalism will get you nowhere,