Is This Dude Tellin' It Like It Is?

You don't have to be a genius to work out that the Iraq war was an unmitigated disaster. He isn't saying anything new.
I think it started out interesting, although he was initially saying things we already know (these issues have been well-documented in the media for some time), but his rant seemed to lose the plot a bit with time. I was also not too impressed by some of the statements he made in the comments below the video.
for more constructive and well-researched anti-war statements, check out Robert Newman's 'The History of Oil'.

it was aired on Channel 4 not long ago, about 45 mins long, and should be available on most torrents/other. it's a stand-up/lecture thing and really rather an eye-opener.
Actually, I found his uncouth, in-your-face, somewhat twitchy, but rather ballsy tirade amusing. It's an example of YouTube medium as public masturbation......and we the voyeurs, I guess. But no, content-wise, there's nothing new in his spew. I'll wager he felt better afterwards, though.
I think this exchange in the comments section really put me off him:

(warren25smash is the person in the video.)

SunTzuTube: Warren...can you or anyone name one government now or in the past that has been "moral"?

warren25smash: ME.

SunTzuTube: No seriously Warren! I can't think of one. And you're not a government :)

warren25smash: I know I have the only moral political mind in existence. Or do you?

He seemed a bit up himself!