Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

What the hell is "Lunix"? That article was pretty lame. I probably spend 6-8 hours a day on my computer on average. My academic abilities "have not gone down." Sure, I've done all of what that parent said (switching ISP's, getting new chips, etc) but it's not for hacking. I just want my damn computer to be faster! Also I'm in love with Cocoa, and my parents are quite aware of it. But on another note, he/she is a pretty good parent.

Zenzefiloan: Why did you want to throw your powerbook out the window?:confused:

When I first read this article I couldn't believe what I was reading....I figured this must be some kind of a joke, but I'm afraid he's serious. I can't believe anyone can be so much out of contact with real life, I mean he must have been living without a tv or radio for the last 20 years!

I feel genuine sorry for their kids, they are missing out on a great thing.
xa xa xa xa hahahahahaha :D
ti malakies exoume na akousoume hahahahahaha :D

(please excuse the greek :p all you non-greek speakers :p)

when I read this I fell down laughing.... my abdoment and cheeks are hurting so bad from laughing and I am actually crying hahahahahaha :p

seriously though, this is the kind of person that deserves a beating. If you dont know, learn you dumbass, hacking if you use linux or telnet or play MP3s :p

this is propaganda ;)

Saw this a while ago. think it was on I, too, first thought it a joke. I am too afraid to believe he is serious...
:eek: :eek: :eek:

???......??!!?!?!!.....!!?!?!?! :confused:

:mad: :mad: :mad:



The finest familly in USA!

ARGHHHHHH! That makes me wanna shout! f****! That must be a joke. The time Server must be wrong its not march its april the first. I hope. This guy is so stupid! Damn!
How stupid. Is the parent really that outta tune with reality?! Their changing their appearance because they are growing up, most every teenager does it. Linx is a haker program? Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers? Flash is hacker software? Oh my! Everyone I know is a hacker!

Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers.


If these are the signs of a hacker, I should getting my invitation to join Neo and Morpheus in the Matrix any day now.

Quake is an awsome game. Just because some people who play might be hackers, dosen't mean your child is one if they play.

And dosen't this article seem a little sexist? All the sign ask does your son do this, does your son do that? Mabye little Cindy hacked on to her brother's computer and found all that stuff and that's how she found out that he was a hacker.:D
All I have to say is .... wow! Not "WOW. What a great informative story.", but "Wow. What kind of IDIOT claims he has the best family when his kid is on the computer days at a time." This is the just one example of the "Stupid parents" generation. Let them live how they need to but I will help guide once in a while. The first paragraph itself describes his stupidity! "I try..."? Whatever! Children are YOUR responsiblity. He hacks into something, your to blame too. If you didn't know he was a hacker, GET A FRICKIN' CLUE! Children nowadays are just little trophies to be set off to the side 8-10 hours every day so Mommy and Daddy can go prove they are a "better" someone and are worthy of respect. Then they are dressed up real pretty for when guests come and once in a while, children get that "special, quality time" where mommy and daddy will play with ONLY YOU for 1 hour and then back to their importance. America has lost all sense of what children are. They are not things to accumulate. Not things to collect. Love your kids. They are part of you and love you. Don't push them off because they annoy you!

And yes, I am a father of two.

I am done ranting. Man, am I a windbag.
Thanks for informing me on the mission of thet site i was very upset reading the stuff that the guy wrote but now i am really reallyy relly upset and tha toy gamhso to spiti(excuse the greek).

Well i have just decided to take this site down!! I am starting tonight!!

I wanted to throw the Ti out of the window because i was very upset!

Actually i got upset very upset and whilst at first i was laughing then i sat down and thought about it and i got very annoyed!:mad:
I agree with sjb2016 - I love the stuff about Quake:

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school

How can that be serious?


This is another post from the site:

A public Gallows in every town
What could America need more right now? The unity this type of activity brings to the community is unparalleled.
Men, women, children, Fathers, Mothers, Son & Daughters, all witnessing society's judgment on wrongdoing.
There is no question that bad deeds will go unpunished. There is no technical difficulties with the trial.
Your priest, baker, butcher, cooper, and farrier all stand as witnesses alongside with the seamstress, washer woman and maid.
A moment is taken to reflect on what it means to be a part of the community and how this ungrateful person has disrupted the balance that keeps everyone safe and happy.
An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth, a Life for a Life.

Whether this is a satire or not, it is a sad commentary on our society. Like sjb2016 said, if this is real, we better cry for our future. However, we can change that if we want to.
Yeah Spank the this wouold make an interesting cmputer game.... NICE ADVICE MAN>>> GROUND AND SPANK THE GUY

1) I change ISP to get the best deaal aand the fastest Speed..(does that make me an hacker? lol)

Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking" policy...... like.. is there ANY ISP that is PRO hacking?

Hacker friendly provider...LOL

I think this is a AOL endorsment thing.. like an advertizing...

I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from AOL's child safety filter.
Like AOL is the only one that has child would not get AOL (not for that reason) and if i had it i would SWITCH it .. but for more important reasons

Remove Programs" in your control panel. Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash"

Right now FLASH is a hacking program.....RIIIGHT (PS hacker makes their program MORON)

if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker applications. machine today gave me this message
"there is a new Hacking software... doyou wanna download it?....." lol

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. They may request "faster" video cards,
What the Video card has to do with Hacking??

Does your child read hacking manuals?

Like now there are manuals that teach hacking....riiiight

How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?
Does your son use Quake?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system,
YEAH RIGHT BSD by the way is American Mandrake FRENCH ...NOT RUSSIAN
and LINUX IS NOT AN HACING PLATFORM... i mean it can be used for..that des NOT mean it was ment to be may be his son is right.. GET AWAY FROM M$

These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers.
Like there is a moron that actually has a text files with the cc number and the file name is called CREDIT CARD NUMBER

hey may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program
WOW that is new.. you can brake into a STEREO?? is it powered with AIRPORT?? this guy does not even know what an MP3 is

Has your son radically changed his appearance?
YEAH I DRESS LIKE THE clothes.. i should make a business out of it

Is your son struggling academically?
May be he just need to study more..and whatch ess
lolololololololololol :D

dont throw your Ti out the window! give it to me ;) hehe (mono to spiti tha tou gamisis ?? :eek: .. autos palouki xriazete :p )

it is a sad commentaty on how non AOL, non-M$, non-simple things are looked on as hacking :p

besides hacking is a good thing, and hackers are. Crackers are the wrong doers ;) .. I wish people would kist open up a dictionary and look up the difference :p

yeah, this has been up for a while...

did you guys read the posts below the article?

so funny.

i peed myself reading this.
Originally posted by rinse
yeah, this has been up for a while...

did you guys read the posts below the article?

so funny.

i peed myself reading this.

I dont have an account so I dont see them!
