Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

Ok, first of all, I thought Linus was/is from Ice Land not Russia. This story reminds me of a little note my mother left me once, about a month after she thought I was on drugs....."Do not hack. Mom says so, and it is bad."
That article is rather old... I believe it ran on Slashdot quite a few months ago too. They believed it was serious at the time too :p

It is, in fact, a joke. Sorry :p

Does your child use toiletpaper when using the restroom?

Toiletpaper is a tool used by the leftist communist regime to exploit the tender nature of the planet Uranus. Do not fall for this feeble ploy to soften up our children -- make them use sandpaper, it will make real men out of them.

Oh, and AOL is our best friend and looks out for our children. Companies like Apple, Orange Micro, and other fruit companies are the antichrist. Trust Microsoft: it will protect your children from the evil democratic populous that will try to get your impressionable children to believe in words like "freedom", "fair", "justice", "equality", and "democracy" -- not to mention words like "love", "happiness", and "peace". No friends, do not believe these evil hooligans.

Instead, believe me, for I am your new god, Zero, believer in the truly insane and full of $hit!
Wow, speaking from the my post, as an official Matrix Agent, I feel ashamed at the horrible things I've done:

1. Changed ISP
2. Got An Upgrade Card
3. Bought RAM
4. Bought An Airport Card (Trying to catch gov't secrets out of the air.)
5. Read Books On Computers
6. Used BSD
7. Used A Command Line
8. Don't Use Democratic Microsoft Products
9. Spend More Than 45 Minute On My Computer
10. Have Special Hacker Tools Called "Plug-Ins" Which I Use To Extend My Flash Capabilities
11. I Haven't Advocated Censorship At My Local Bookstore
12. I've Taught Other Kids How To Hack

God Damn. Never even whould have guessed that I was a Hacker! Whish there was a 6 year old around to instruct my father.

Oh man this is getting better::

there is a poll there:

Do you hate black folk?

Yes, I am a Linux developer
No, I use Windows


I am just going to bed i will think about it and vote tm!!!

Originally posted by Matrix Agent
Wow, speaking from the my post, as an official Matrix Agent, I feel ashamed at the horrible things I've done:

1. Changed ISP
2. Got An Upgrade Card
3. Bought RAM
4. Bought An Airport Card (Trying to catch gov't secrets out of the air.)
5. Read Books On Computers
6. Used BSD
7. Used A Command Line
8. Don't Use Democratic Microsoft Products
9. Spend More Than 45 Minute On My Computer
10. Have Special Hacker Tools Called "Plug-Ins" Which I Use To Extend My Flash Capabilities
11. I Haven't Advocated Censorship At My Local Bookstore
12. I've Taught Other Kids How To Hack

God Damn. Never even whould have guessed that I was a Hacker! Whish there was a 6 year old around to instruct my father.


you are going to jail :p
then...hell :p you evil evil person :p
one other thing....
if I dont develop for linux...but if I use I racist ??? :p :p :p hahahaha...that is funny $h&^ :p
Originally posted by jakobie
Ok, first of all, I thought Linus was/is from Ice Land not Russia. This story reminds me of a little note my mother left me once, about a month after she thought I was on drugs....."Do not hack. Mom says so, and it is bad."

Isn't he from Finland....I mean to have read that somewhere...or am I getting him confused for the hacker Torvalds from Swordfish?
Linus is from Finland, which is a super cool country just because of the sauna party culture they have!
Nothing much to do with the soviet union...

Never knew Douglas Coupland wrote hacking manuals! lol!

And Intel having anti-piracy components in their chips? SOunds interesting! Poor lame AMD don't have that! F**king commies!

Suana party with finnish blondes.. that's what the guy really needs! lol!
They have got to be having a laugh (esp the bit about Canadians).
The mission statement:

There are a number of people who have opinions that don't quite fit the norm. Because of this, they aren't welcome in many places. This is where they exercise their right to speak, where the dreams of tomorrow take flight today.
This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals - the sort of people who have been sadly sidelined by today's victim culture, and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who have all risen up with their discrimination laws and 'equality' to sadly control the media agenda.

These people are not welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.

This site is also squarely aimed at the marginalised of society -- homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who remain in a state of oppression, kept down by the dominant white male patriarchy and by insufficiently rigorous 'discrimination' laws and the corporate media.

These people are welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.

Controversial opinions, passionately held. We Are is frankly unlikely to become a part of the Open Source Developers Network any time soon.
sure it's gotta be a joke!
A good one at that!

Hope that people don't take it seriously and start
ripping their pc's apart to free them from evil video cards!!!
Ill go first Admiral, to make sure the mascot... is safe.... :D

But seriously, I think its real... sad, eh? I want that persons email addy to just bitch at em. Notice how theres other articles at that site about VA Software, and slashdot, but this guy doesnt even know what linux is.

Oh and I love the link to boris from goldeneye... if thats Linus, I want to meet him, hes my hero :P
It probably is real, or based on a real story.

saddly I've met people like that, it aint a pretty sight.
They dont really need to be pittied, or laughed at (things I often do) but they need to get educated.

now...let me at that maskot, need to do some examining :p