Issues with Safari!


Hey guys, new guy here... I'm having issues with my Safari which from what I remember is 1.2 running on OSX - 10.3.9...

Well I was previously having issues where it would just crash randomly, now it doesn't even open at all, nor does my firefox... I'm currently on the computer using internet explorer, so that works well, and I'm easly connected via Wi-Fi so it's not a problem with internet connections...

I tried re-installing safari 1.2, and tried just an upgrade to 1.3 and nothing seems to be working out. So I'm completely lost and I'm not sure how to proceed, I obviously don't want to send it to apple care as I've had really bad experiences with them, regardless of it's still under warranty or not...

The computer I'm working on (if it makes any difference) is a Dual 2.5 GHz PowerPC G5... I appreciate all your help :)
You would look for old Plug-Ins that are affecting Safari by taking them out of that folder and putting thenm in another spot when you launch Safari. Then if that works you can put them in at one at a time to see which one affects Safari.

Another way is to reset Safari by going to /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and find the file and move it to the trash to see if that helps.
You would look for old Plug-Ins that are affecting Safari by taking them out of that folder and putting thenm in another spot when you launch Safari. Then if that works you can put them in at one at a time to see which one affects Safari.

Another way is to reset Safari by going to /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and find the file and move it to the trash to see if that helps.

I'll give that a shot! Thanks :)
You would look for old Plug-Ins that are affecting Safari by taking them out of that folder and putting thenm in another spot when you launch Safari. Then if that works you can put them in at one at a time to see which one affects Safari.

Another way is to reset Safari by going to /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and find the file and move it to the trash to see if that helps.

Tried both... I didn't have any internet plug-ins for whatever reason, and when I put the Plist into the trash it does the same thing... When I click on the Icon it doens't load up at all...

Any other suggestions guys??

Do you think upgrading from Panther 10.3.9 to Tiger 10.4 would help any???

**EDIT** FireFox does not work either... it's just internet explorer.
Well did you use ANY Safari plugin at all in the past. I ask because sometimes old plugins can cause havoc with Safari when upgrading. You can read about SMBL Safari plugins and where they reside at this blog.

Plus since Firefox doesn't work check that you are still connecting to the internet. If you are then check to see you don't have the DNS trojan by using the free DNSChanger Removal Tool.

Lastly before you use Safari or Firefox have the log reader Console (/Applications/Utilities/Console) open in the background. When the browser crashes immediately switch to the Console application to see what log entry came up. This way you can trace down the specific problem. You can list the specific line that console reports (please don't post the whole log).
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Well did you use ANY Safari plugin at all in the past. I ask because sometimes old plugins can cause havoc with Safari when upgrading. You can read about SMBL Safari plugins and where they reside at this blog.

Plus since Firefox doesn't work check that you are still connecting to the internet. If you are then check to see you don't have the DNS trojan by using the free DNSChanger Removal Tool.

Lastly before you use Safari or Firefox have the log reader Console (/Applications/Utilities/Console) open in the background. When the browser crashes immediately switch to the Console application to see what log entry came up. This way you can trace down the specific problem. You can list the specific line that console reports (please don't post the whole log).

Alright so I might have narrowed the problem down, but since I'm not electronically inclined it isn't helping me a bit unfortunately.

The only internet browser that works is internet explorer, but Safari, Firefox, and now a new internet browser that I've discovered, Camino, doesn't seem to be working either, even after install.

Any ideas or should I give up and give haul the computer (heavy ass G5 by the way), to a apple store and make them deal with it?

Also, anyway that upgrading from 10.3.9 to 10.4 will work or make anything better?

Thanks for the info.

** EDIT ** I did the console log to see what it says, and this is what it reads (copied and pasted):

dyld: /Applications/ Undefined symbols:

WebKit undefined reference to _NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebKit undefined reference to _NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebKit undefined reference to _NSViewAnimationTargetKey expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebKit undefined reference to _kMDItemWhereFroms expected to be defined in Carbon

WebKit undefined reference to _kSecAsn1AlgorithmIDTemplate expected to be defined in Security

WebKit undefined reference to _kSecAsn1IA5StringTemplate expected to be defined in Security

WebKit undefined reference to _kSecAsn1SequenceOfAnyTemplate expected to be defined in Security

WebKit undefined reference to _kSecAsn1SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate expected to be defined in Security

WebCore undefined reference to _kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime expected to be defined in ApplicationServices

WebCore undefined reference to _kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary expected to beApplicationServices

WebCore undefined reference to _kCGImagePropertyGIFLoopCount expected to be defined in ApplicationServices

WebCore undefined reference to _kCGImagePropertyPixelHeight expected to be defined in ApplicationServices

WebCore undefined reference to _kCGImagePropertyPixelWidth expected to be defined in ApplicationServices

WebCore undefined reference to _kCGImageSourceShouldCache expected to be defined in ApplicationServices

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityAttachmentTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityBackgroundColorTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityFontFamilyKey expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityFontNameKey expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityFontSizeKey expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityFontTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityForegroundColorTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityInsertionPointLineNumberAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityLinkTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityMisspelledTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityShadowTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityStrikethroughColorTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityStrikethroughTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilitySuperscriptTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityURLAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityUnderlineColorTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityUnderlineTextAttribute expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _NSAccessibilityVisibleNameKey expected to be defined in Cocoa

WebCore undefined reference to _kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB expected to be defined in ApplicationServices

When I do the same for firefox it reads this:

dyld: /Applications/ Undefined symbols:

/Applications/ undefined reference to _kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB expected to be defined in Carbon

/Applications/ undefined reference to _kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat expected to be defined in Carbon

/Applications/ undefined reference to _kCGImageSourceTypeIdentifierHint expected to be defined in Carbon

Thanks for the help guys.
I had the same OS. safari 1.3.2 is the highest you can get with 10.3.9, If you try to go to webpage that has java in it, the java version that you have will cause it to crash, i tried getting the adobe update but the download button doesnt show up. The bottom line is, you just have to install leopard, when my safari didnt open, you have to delete the safari Plist file and then restart your computer and then safari will work again.
good luck
Yeah the thing is, is that even when I double click Safari or Firefox now, it doesn't even open. When I first click it the little icon bounces up and down once and then stops, so It's basically like I don't even have it installed, but I most certainly do as now it's not randomly working.

I know bud, I spent a whole dAy messing with it trust me you have to delete your p list file, I had to do it when I for. started using mac. if your want to continue using safari, so just google search how to delete p list files, find safari delete it and make sure you empty the trash can. I know what you mean by it just bounces I had the exact problem, my mailbclient did of too. good luck let me know if there's anything else.
Deleted plists files are unnecessary unless you narrow it down to a user issue. Have you tried a different existing user account or create one by going to system preferences/accounts and create a new dummy user with admin privileges for testing to see if it is a user issue by logging into that user and testing Safari/Firefox?
dude creating a new user account doesnt fix it, i just explained that i tried all of that, deleting the plist file fix's it.
I tried every single suggestion. Deleted my Plist, tried a differnet username (sorry Djackmac - I had to just try it lol). I tried the DNSChanger removal tool which didn't even work for whatever reason.

Still the same thing. I click it, it jumps once and then it stops... Same thing with Safari, and same thing with Camino.

The strange thing is though, why is internet explorer still working (using it now)?