isync isnt isyncing anything


I`m in!!
i got my first ipod mini two months ago... the best thing i did after buying my ibook.. but, when I sync it with itunes, works perfectly, on the other hand isync doesnt recognice it, im fact, it doesnt recognice anything, no palms, no phones, nothing.... everytime i connect something to my mac, and i try to sync it, i open isync, click on add device, but it doesn seem to find anything... am i doing something wrong... or my isync si f*ckn dead!!!...
You sync contacts, music, calendars and photos on the iPod solely with iTunes now -- no more iSync.

iSync has a large but limited list of devices it works with. What specific devices are you trying to get iSync to work with?

Palm Desktop, I believe, is required for Palm device use with iSync.