Isync & Sony Ericsson P910i Problems


Green & Growing
Hi. I have just upgraded from my P900 to a P910i, I mainly did this as i could not get isync to work with my P900. so thought hey what the hell i was offered one for free so i will try it. I love the P900.
The P910 is ace BUT i still cannot get isync to work with it? I have paired them and that is fine, I can send files etc fine. But isync gives me the following message:

Thursday, 16 December 2004 21:31
Conduit iCal generated exception NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[NSCFString longValue]: selector not recognized. Can't get record with ID 6A0E6CD4-1137-11D9-92A3-0003939BD124.
Conduit iCal generated exception NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[NSCFString emailString]: selector not recognized. Can't get record with ID 6A13E952-1137-11D9-92A3-0003939BD124.
Conduit iCal generated exception NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[NSCFString emailString]: selector not recognized. Can't get record with ID 6A0F0284-1137-11D9-92A3-0003939BD124.
Conduit iCal generated exception NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[NSCFString longValue]: selector not recognized. Can't get record with ID 6A15E26A-1137-11D9-92A3-0003939BD124.
Conduit iCal generated exception NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[NSCFString emailString]: selector not recognized. Can't get record with ID 6A0F0003-1137-11D9-92A3-0003939BD124.
|P910i| An exception has occured. Please try to sync again.
Conduit P910i generated an internal error NSSyncConduitException (An exception has occured. Please try to sync again.): can't close cleanly the connection to the device.

This was the same message as the P900 generated when i tried to sync? ANY IDEAS????

Apple lists the P800 & P900 as compatible.

Have you got the latest version of iSync?
Think so. I did the latest osx update yesterday 3.7 and the isync says it is version 1.5. As per the thread my p900 gave me the same message.

Any more? Please......
I've heard from people who had some trouble, others had no trouble with iSync and the P900. But I guess it's really just not the 'ideal' iSync phone anyway... Have you tried on a separate account with only marginal info to be synched? (I.e. one or two contacts, one or two calendar items?)
fryke said:
I've heard from people who had some trouble, others had no trouble with iSync and the P900. But I guess it's really just not the 'ideal' iSync phone anyway... Have you tried on a separate account with only marginal info to be synched? (I.e. one or two contacts, one or two calendar items?)

Will try that.

No joy!!!!!

Seems the phone connects then dis-connects? very odd. All my other bluetooth stuff connects fine?

Any more? :confused:
Mmh... Nope. Well. The P910i isn't mentioned on - so that _could_ be a problem, too. Other than that... You don't happen to have another Symbian device on iSync's device list, no? ... Well: You _could_ try to get the firmware on the P910i updated in a service center. And search forums about the P910i. Other than those, I'm outta tips.
Oh, you _do_ keep your Bluetooth stack on the Mac updated, right? Or do you use a third party BT-stick? If so, you might have to update that stick's firmware. And that could mean using a PC, because those USB stick makers kinda, well, s*ck. ;)
fryke said:
Oh, you _do_ keep your Bluetooth stack on the Mac updated, right? Or do you use a third party BT-stick? If so, you might have to update that stick's firmware. And that could mean using a PC, because those USB stick makers kinda, well, s*ck. ;)

Hi. Good Point! I think it could be the bt dongle. It is old. Mmmm. I will look into updating it, but i did buy it for my XP machines, can you recomend a good Bluetooth usb dongle for my Powebook? I have ordered an E-Mac that does not have BT installed so i may try and get the old BT dongle updated and put it on that. Also (off subject sorry) do you know the best place to buy and extreme card for my soon to come e-mac?

Thanks. :rolleyes:
Thats why you are a SUPER MOD! Changed the BT stick and hey presto! They want to sync Now i have to ensure i want all the rubbish off my phone on the Mac. Lol, another nice time consuming job cleaning the SIM entries up before i merge! :) Thanks fryke

fryke said:
Oh, you _do_ keep your Bluetooth stack on the Mac updated, right? Or do you use a third party BT-stick? If so, you might have to update that stick's firmware. And that could mean using a PC, because those USB stick makers kinda, well, s*ck. ;)
:) Glad we figured this one out. I hope synching the P910i from now on will be as painless as with the phones I've used so far... :)
I have a Nokia 3650, when I bought the Bt stick (I think i was using Jaguar...) it was working perfectly with iSync... When I had to send my iBook to Apple for a logic board failure, I synced (right spelling?:confused:) it with my girlfriend's PB, and now it can connect with iBook, send and receive files, work with Salling Clicker, but can't work with iSync... on another forum I found that I have to open TCP port 3004, which is actually opened, but nothing happens... any suggestion?
ok, i deleted on the phone the pairing with my girlfriend's PB, and now everything is working... thanx!!! :)

Hey will_richo, i'm looking at getting a p910 myself, is it any good? I looked at one in a store.. it was a little.. chunkier than i expected, but of course, it was just a demo so i couldnt test out the software.. is it easy to use? How good is the calendar/email/address book it has??

Cheers : )
