iTMS:1 million till 1/2 billion


Less than 1 Million songs to go.
500,000,000 should happen sometime tonight or early sunday morning (US Eastern time). For those interested in the contest, get your mouse button ready... ;)
But it says the email is only valid via the 'Tell a friend' feature in iTunes-downloaded songs. Damn.
parb.johal@ante said:
you dont have to buy anything to enter - its a draw.

just email apple. theres an email in the t+c.

I was waiting for the right moment to purchase that album for a while now. The countdown was just an excuse. :rolleyes:
Well, I was off by ~12 hours (sorry), but the iTMS finally topped 1/2 billion at about 5:50 pm EST. Congratualtions to whoever the contest winner was.
i clicked right around that time (give or take a few minutes)... but I got a purchase error, and prompted to try again later... I rebooted itunes and gave it one more go but my damn network went down (purposefully by an annoying roomate working on his vonage phone) before download... The purchase registered and I got the song an hour later...
Wonder how close i might have come... my guess is the original purchase error must have come from thousands of people clicking at the same time..

Good luck to all the members here...