It's Here - 10.1.5

When i use Software Update, nothing shows up. That's propably because i allready installed a beta build, 5S57. How do i remove this one?
(i remembers this also happenen when the first update came out 10.0.0 --> 10.0.1, i had (illegal) 4L7 installed, instead of 4K64)
The 10.1.5 update went smooth and easy. Noticable speed improvements include Dock magnification, Sherlock searches are faster (I wonder if it is using the UNIX locate command), Office X (with Service Release 1) Excel graphs are quicker when scrolling through the document. Word documents with graphics in them are also faster, overall speed increase in Word. Not sure if iTunes FPS increased or not, I use G-Force plugin ( exclusively.
Originally posted by 8thDegreeSavage

yeah man i dont get it...before on my 867 under 10.1.4 i was getting around 14-24 fps on iTunes at best usually on smaller visual settings, now i can run it full screen with around 40-65!....i seriously dont know how it happened but it happened right after i installed 10.1.5.

Other than that i dont 'notice' anything that much different, i dont have any perphs really so maybe others are feeling it more.:confused: :p :p

This is probably just because of the standard optimization routine that happens after each software update. The prebinding thing makes all things go a little faster.

But just for reference, I still get 3 fps at large (not full screen) with the "Faster but rougher display" option not set. Uck.
gee nielz, may be you should just remember what you did then.

I guess there really can be a price to be paid for pirating software:D

as for this update, so far i haven't had anything go wrong (knock on whatever is handy) and idisk is working faster for me so far. I look forward to seeing which software apps will update to take advantage of some of the changes.
i haven't noticed much of a difference with the update so far.

iDisk access is a bit faster for me, but just a bit. prolly because of this damned 56k.

one negative thing i noticed: in the past, i could open and close the tray on my external burner with the eject key....that doesn't work anymore. :( i didn't want to trade that functionality for the eject graphic!

but that's such a tiny thing. all in all, i can't complain.
yea, what's the deal with the eject button not working anymore? I get the graphic, but no tray opening on my cdrw like before. i agree, it's not that big of a deal, but...

oh, and just a reminder for people with their os version in their sigs - time to change em:D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i agree, it's not that big of a deal, but...'s annoying. that was such a great feature, especially for someone as lazy as i am. ah well, let's hope it returns in 10.2.
G4 733 Sperdrive, 512MB...

iTunes still gives me 23-27 FPS...

iDisk i much faster... DSL...

Omniweb 4.1b7 look faster, but still have to check...

Waiting for 10.2.... and nicer/faster HW to run on...

I can't tell if graphics performance is any better in 10.1.5. It seems to be a little bit, but the thing that really makes me happy is the new camera support for my A40. Also, dock menus create a lot faster, and the finder is much more responsive when opening a folder containing 3000 files.

10.2 is gonna rock :D
Originally posted by simX

This is probably just because of the standard optimization routine that happens after each software update. The prebinding thing makes all things go a little faster.

But just for reference, I still get 3 fps at large (not full screen) with the "Faster but rougher display" option not set. Uck.

the bit about optimization is most likely it, i think it bunked out on my last update, cause i had a drop in FPS when i moved from 1.3 to 1.4, something ate it bigtime during install...o well im happy with 1.5 now!:D
Crap. Figure this one out.

My G4/400 PCI has two video cards in it -- a Radeon 7000 PCI in the 66MHz slot, and the original Rage 128 PCI in a 33MHz slot.

My Radeon 7000 PCI now "crashes" upon waking from sleep in 10.1.5. It didn't do this in 10.1.4. When I wake from sleep, a gray and white screen appears instead of my desktop on the monitor connected to the 7000. The Rage 128 monitor is ok. I can move the pointer around on the 7000 screen and make it out ok, it's just that the monitor is a scrambled mess of gray and white pixels.

Should I reinstall the drivers that came with the 7000? I'm pretty damn sure this has something to do with the ATi Rage Pro driver update included with 10.1.5. Another reader of noted the same thing with the same computer.

Once again, crap.
Is it normal that it takes soooooo long to optimize the MacOSX-update 10.1.5? It is now optimizing for 5min. and it isn't yet at the half of the process...

Originally posted by simX

This is most likely because the files you are trying to copy have filenames that are longer than 32 characters (the limit for Mac OS 9). I have no idea why this restriction is imposed, but I ran into it before, and changing the filename to have under 32 characters and THEN copying is the solution.

Thanks for the suggestion, simX. However, even with a five character filename I get the -38 error. I tried uploading a file using Goliath, and that worked. It seems to be some problem uploading files using the Finder. Any suggestions?
I logged onto the Apple site to get this update today. It is headlined as being available on the Mac OSX page ...but the link takes you to a page with no download.

What happened ..did they pull it or does the fact i can't find it mean i am just plain stupid?
They haven't released it for download yet. You can only get it through Software Update right now, which isn't fun for a lot of 56k users.
Originally posted by ksuther
They haven't released it for download yet. You can only get it through Software Update right now, which isn't fun for a lot of 56k users.
Which is precisely why I don't have it yet... :(
first - senne - i have noticed that as i add more apps that it keeps getting longer. I am up to around 1000 files that get prebound at this point and it is taking almost 10 minutes. I remember the first time i ran Xoptimize - it only took about 2 mins.

56k users - what is the big deal? it's not like you can't do anything else while software update runs. even if it takes 4 hrs, that can be 4 hrs worth of background time. How else do you think i started this thread while i was downloading?
Improvements I've noticed:

-iDisk is MUCH faster for me
-The entire OS's GUI is now noticably faster
-Mail no longer says that a mailbox is open somewhere else :D
-iTunes visualizer is a bit faster, but not by much

So basically the latest build fixed all the problems I've had with 10.1, but I still have other problems with the OS that may require a disk wipe and reinstall. All in all, though, great job, Apple! :D