So let me get this straight. IBM and Apple go nowhere for whatever reason, but clearly Intel and Apple have got this right? Isn't that what everyone said when they went with IBMa couple of years ago?
Also, in 5 years, this won't be an issue for me, as I'll have moved on and bought all new software. But right now I own MS Office and was seriously considering purchasing Adobe CS2. However, I didn't plan on upgrading those for a long while. Now if I get a new machine in the next couple of years, I'll have to.
THAT pisses me off.
Just to spark some thought, how many times have you hear that half the problem with windows is all the shitty hardware that is made and available at Wal-Mart. Guess what? Now every Tom, Dick and Harry is going to be flooding these forums trying to get their ACME Joystick Memory Pad RAID device to work and causing all sorts of fits for OS X. What else is nice is that you will probably be one of them. Right now we are spoiled by a plethora of quality hardware, but at a premium. How much more tempted will you be to try out that Wacom knock-off when it is $20?
I wish I had bookmarked it, but not long ago I read an article talking about a number of the problems with Windows being due to its attachment to x86. I don't know the specifics, as I didn't care at the time, but the jist was that the buffer overflows and other exploits are unique to x86 because of the architecture. Here comes the virus software!
Rock on!