iTunes 4.0.1

Ah, Toast, I don't mean to sound demeaning, but grow up. You are taking personal offense to the elimination of a feature with other viable alternatives. Its called life. Deal with it.

The Music industry has tried to legislate their business model for years. The Music Store with iTunes integration is a good and nervous step the industry is taking to adapt (not legislate).

We do not even know if some hackers out there blew it for us. Apple probably responded to a panic phone call from one of their Music vendors. I wouldn't be surprised if the vendors themselves discovered this non-intuitive way to copy music.

We are lucky to be part of this experiment. Don't cry murder if there is some unimportant reactionary changes.

Cannot believe you are still ranting about this... iTunes still supports streaming radio without a problem. As Jove mentions, there are other perfectly viable options to listening to your friend's music collection; you just have to put your thinking cap on and work at it a bit.

As for me, I will continue to sample tunes through the Music Store and other online venues and if I find something I like, hop on down to the local CD store and rent the CD for $3/week... not to mention more often than not, the Japanese editions usually have a bonus track not released on the U.S. versions.


Originally posted by toast
Means such as iTunes were a fantastic way to discover music WITHOUT downloading it ! Now it's gone. I've discovered some lovely tunes thru streaming.
Hey Toast, radio broadcasters have always had to pay a license to play music. Though the fees have probably gone up lately...

Gia, I'd like to point out that the software that I put in my last post isn't P2P software. It's just a streaming server. As far as I know, you can't save a stream from the program I listed. It's just a free version of streaming software. Very much like Shoutcast (streams of which you connect to if you hit the Radio portion of iTunes). You could do the same thing I was talking about if you paid for Quicktime's streaming server as well. Or Real's streaming server.
You're so right, I'll just stfu. I'm just bored with the fact I was given one marvellous feature I got addicted to and then lost it. I'm sure even grown-up people like Jove can understand that ;)
I'm not sure I want to be part of such experiments where you get great features and then lose them. I don't think most customers like this type of strategy. I had never seen such behaviour from Apple. Just as if they had implemented PDF printing in to OSX and then taken it back (lousy example, but still) :rolleyes: I persist in thinking such moves tarnish Apple's image.

Darkshadow, I won't insist, but my point was many radios cannot afford those licenses and many radios do not pay it.
The music revolution is here! I think that Apple was forced to pull the streaming. I also think that the future of music is in streaming and that it will be back. The entire industry is in for a rude awakening.
Toast - I know that not all of them do, I was just saying that they're supposed to. And almost always have had to (well, since mainstream music began to be played, anyway). And I agree, too, that the broadcast fee is greater than it should be.

Ugg - I'm waiting for musicians to realize that and start bypassing the industry. If they set up something like the music store, they'd get the profits from it rather than having someone else taking most of it. I'd say it's just a matter of time before it happens.
I agree with Ugg and Darkshadow. To stream your own band's music over the Internet would be awesome.
Has anyone noticed that burning cds is buggy in 4.0.1? Ever since I 'upgraded' it spoils CDs by not finishing them properly when trying to burn an MP3 or a data CD.
Help! How can I get back to itunes 4.0?
It isn't? What kind of burner is it? What kind of burner software do you have installed?
Samsung CD-R/RW SW-232B

For burning stuff, I use Toast (the application, not the person :D).

I figure that sooner or later, the thing will be supported in iTunes & the Finder, but for the meantime, Toast works fine for me.

And for anybody that's wondering, I replaced the internal DVD drive with the above drive, so it's not an external drive or anything. The burner is faster at reading CDs than it was, anyway. Still have it around, of course, I have a firewire enclosure for it. Can still watch DVDs on it via VLC.
spurveys - I had a similar problem in 4.0. I purchased an Enya album and iTunes crashed every time I tried to burn it ( a couple songs in).