iTunes 4.2


U.S.D.A. Prime
Wow, Apple is keeping me busy today with the restarts!

OS X 10.3.2, iTunes 4.2 and QuickTime 6.5 all in one day!

I think the coolest new feature of iTunes 4.2 is the ability to view the iTunes Music Store in a separate window from my library. I have my windows arranged a certain way -- kind of flat and long, and the iTMS just didn't hash well with that. Now, with a double-click, I can have a full-screen iTMS without messing with my window arrangement!
Well, ONE restart if we Apple users weren't so fanatical about being absolutely 100% up-to-date the minute something is released! ;)
Wiigii! real maximize in windows!

Uh... but guys... needs a little work, it's ignoring my dual monitor settings and just blasting that baby fullscreen across both monitors instead of maximizing to current monitor like every other application does. They must have rolled the code for this, too, instead of using the default windows stuff. NIH can get a little out of hand.
Apparently one of the biggest things is the fact that with 4.2, AOL users can now purchase iTunes songs without an Apple account, and link to it from AOL browser, etc etc. I guess the big news is that AOL is now reselling iTunes! That should be a boon.

Did iTunes 4.2 come out for the PC as well?
hmmm no iTunes updates showing up in my Software update, just QuickTime and XCode... might have to actually visit Apple's website for the update huh?
Heh....i'm halfway through the updates, still need quicktime 6.5 and itunes....and then QT 6.5 for windows and itunes for windows, lmfao. we go now, thank god my comcast cable upgrade to 3mbits/sec started today :D
Ripcord said:
Don't forget the security update that just came out, too...

Where is that? I don't see it in SU or on Apple's website. Maybe they included it in the 10.3.2 updater.
Ripcord said:
Apparently one of the biggest things is the fact that with 4.2, AOL users can now purchase iTunes songs without an Apple account, and link to it from AOL browser, etc etc. I guess the big news is that AOL is now reselling iTunes! That should be a boon.?

If AOL users can purchase iTunes songs without an Apple account. Does this mean UK AOL users will be able to purchase iTunes songs as well? (ITMS is not available in th UK!!) IF so I will open a AOL account today!
Now iTunes 4.2 is in Software Update.

Maybe yesterday the Apple men had released the standalone version before the update.
This is the first iTunes update that didn't need a restart on Mac OS X!!! At least, it didn't for me. I'm happy. :)
fryke said:
This is the first iTunes update that didn't need a restart on Mac OS X!!! At least, it didn't for me. I'm happy. :)

Same here. Neither did Quicktime which was also strange
hmm. QuickTime update required a restart on my systems.

Off-Topic: It would appear that Apple pulled the plug on the XCode update. It showed up in SU on my iMac at home last night, yet this morning on my MDD at work, no XCode update…
Indeed. When I updated my GF's iBook it was there and installed, now on my PB I don't see it in SU ... curious. Bugs?