iTunes 4.6


Apple Avid
i was reading the airport express airtunes page and found this:


its not in software it available from apple's itunes download page?
Probably no features different you can use, until the Airport Express hardware is actually available (not till next month) although reports say a release for iTunes is later today.
AirPort Express will be available next month, so expect the update until then. The only major change will be the AirPort Express feature, so you won't need it later today or this week. I could be wrong.
Since no-body has bought an AirPort Express yet, they probably haven't released the software yet. Give it time.
Any of you notice this yet? That highlight is new, not like the one in 4.5. Maybe it's a Tiger thing! GRRRROOOAAArrrrrr!


  • airtunesshuffle06072004.jpg
    9.6 KB · Views: 92
RyanLang said:
Any of you notice this yet? That highlight is new, not like the one in 4.5. Maybe it's a Tiger thing! GRRRROOOAAArrrrrr!

It's not new. Look in the "Party Shuffle" section of your iTunes 1.5.
RyanLang said:
Any of you notice this yet? That highlight is new, not like the one in 4.5. Maybe it's a Tiger thing! GRRRROOOAAArrrrrr!

Adding color instead of taking it away? Me likes =)
Just goes to show you that all Apple has to do is add a few new colours and people will swear it's the best upgrade ever.
WinWord...I figured that out a few minutes after my post, hence my second post, hence no need for you post.