iTunes 4.8?


ITunes 4.8 is available on

Is the first of the series of software upgrades that will fix Tiger related glitches?

i love itunes again! more!

(plus it gets around paying $30 for quicktime... *.mov's in full screen! h.264 support!)

works reallly well, but is quite processor intesive... most of my probelms in osX have been answered now!
When will they send out a system upgrade for this? I don't want to DL it all over again as I don;t want to move everything from one iTunes to the other.
You don't have to move anything anywhere, as long as you left iTunes 4.7.1 in the same place that it was originally installed in.

Installing iTunes 4.8 over 4.7.1 will not delete your songs or playlists or settings or anything.

Just download iTunes 4.8, run the installer, and that's it. When you open iTunes again, everything will be the same (playlists, songs, etc.).
Well alright then. I'll check out this version out right away. Thanks for the info.

Ok, that was simple enough but I don't seem to be able to play any movies within iTunes. I dragged and dropped a few .Mov movies but only thing I get is a second of Audio before Itunes stops playing it and skips to the next thing on the playlist.
why does it not show up in software update? is it now only a seperate download? or does it not work for panther?
For those of you not seeing video, go to the iTunes preferences and under advanced, change "in the Main window" to "In A Separate window" or "full screen"

and I personally believe this is leaning more towards an iTunes Video Store iTVS? and further on to a media center. But that's just me
Re MP3Pro: Adding MP3Pro support to iTunes would require Apple to play additional licensing costs, which would need to be negotiated with Thomson, but would almost certainly be costly.
- iTunes playback would cost $90,000 US
- iPod playback an additional $1.25 US per iPod sold.
- iTunes coding, should they choose to include MP3Pro as an encodable format, would add $5 per iTunes install.

Needless to say, if Apple were to negotiate such an expensive deal, they'd want to be able to justify it to their investors. I approve of Apple's support of the more open H.264 and AAC codecs instead, as these give sound that is just as good and don't have any of the licensing issues.

See for more info.
sinclair_tm said:
why does it not show up in software update? is it now only a seperate download? or does it not work for panther?

It works all the way back to Jaguar 10.2.8... and, sometimes, it just takes a while for updates to show up in SU.
my iTunes won't play MPEGs. qt movies, fine. i was hoping it would play any QT supported format.. i have LOTS of music videos in MPEG1 (some MPEG2) and was hoping iTunes might replacee BitPlayer for watching them..
HateEternal, check you are actually opening up 4.8, not the old 4.7.1, i did this as it installed to Applications, where i have subfolders, in which was the itunes the dock alias pointed to.

4.8 has extra buttons next to the shuffle/repeat/add buttons. it only seems to play .mov at the moment
Lt Major Burns said:
HateEternal, check you are actually opening up 4.8, not the old 4.7.1, i did this as it installed to Applications, where i have subfolders, in which was the itunes the dock alias pointed to.

4.8 has extra buttons next to the shuffle/repeat/add buttons. it only seems to play .mov at the moment


I don't remember posting anything under this topic.
CATWEB said:
Does the addition of movie playback in itunes points towards ipods video?

I was thinking that or an addition of (WWDC maybe) an iTunes/Video store (wishful thinking).
Oh ok! Haha I understand your reply too now. :P Yeah, it looks when I tired to play a movie in it, the formate was MPEG1. I thought on the top of my head it's something QT can play, so why wouldn't iTunes? Well, as we all are finding out. It only seems to play one certain formate right now. Which kinda makes useless to me.