iTunes 5

Hm. Updating to iTunes 5 didn't get rid of my music or settings. Attaching my iPod did not cause any trouble at all. Everything just worked fine. Cool.
bobw said:
This is from MacFixIt;

Entire library lost MacFixIt reader Vinko Tsui is one of the few readers who experienced a loss of his entire music library after updating to iTunes 5.0. This problem is unfrequent, though it has occurred with previous iTunes updates, and underscores the importance of backing up your iTunes music library.

Vinko writes:

"I just updated iTunes and after restarting and starting iTunes, all my songs and playlist are gone. It looks like iTunes 5 had created a brand new library for itself.

In other cases, the old Library is simply moved to a different folder, which must be re-added to the iTunes 5.0 library. One reader writes:

"It appears that iTunes 5 have backed up my iTunes 4 Library into a folder called 'Previous iTunes Libraries.' In this folder I found a file 'iTunes Library 2005-9-8.'

"I then navigate to the 'iTunes Music' folder within the ~/Music/iTunes folder. To my surprise, I found many, if not all, my previous music.

"The only way I can find to get my music back into iTunes was to select the "Add to Library..." menu item and choose the "iTunes" folder within my Music folder.

"It appears that I have lost all my previous Playlist and ratings for my songs. This is very disappointing, especially when there did not seem to be a warning about this behavior prior to my upgrade."
Apple needs to find a way to modify the MP3/AAC specs and embed the ratings/playing count/etc meta data directly into the song. There's gotta be space available in the file format specs for custom data....
I don't think that'd be right, somehow, seeing that these are not properties of the song, but rather opinions of the user. I think it's quite correct as is. Only: There shouldn't be those nasty accidents that seem to happen to some people...
IS ANYONE HAVING THE PROBLEM OF IMPORTING FROM CD'S? I stick in a purchased cd and hit the import cd button. it looks like it's importing but nothing happens, the only way out is to force-quit. Then I go and toss the prefs, the 1st import is fine but after that it's back to the all-day lollipop with no importing??? Any ideas??????