iTunes 6.0.2 - Infuriating Music Store garbage?


Translator, Web Developer
What, pray tell, is this :confused:

Better way to clutter up iTunes ? Sorry, I'm just a little paranoid about Apple moving towards an Windows-MSN-like interface, I guess.


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It's ugly alright, but luckily, you can turn it off via Cmd-Shift-"M". I hope the guy coming up with this idea gets sacked tomorrow when Steve Jobs sees this for the first time. And yes I _do_ hope Steve Jobs hasn't seen this yet.
when you're playing music, the mini store automatically brings up the part of the iTMS of content by that artist (i.e. iTMS browsing without thinking about it).

Ahh, so this is the new iTunes mini store I keep hearing about today. I hate it and will be turning it off with a certainty. I'm perfectly capable of going out looking for the music I want if and when I decide to, and I don't want to see my Apple go down Microsoft's path of "Hey, it looks like you're trying to write a letter. Do you want to know about great deals on paper and envelopes?"

I actually hope someone from iTunes design team is reading this and passes it around.
I'd like also to register my annoyance with this "feature" in case Apple does view it.

Yes, symphonix, the "looks like you're writing a letter" thing is a very good comparison.
The little button at the bottom of the iTunes main window that looks like an arrow (right beside the EQ button) can be used to turn it on or off. It is way easy enough to do with Apple ease.
I agree with Apple going more and more the direction of Micro$oft...

Not happy to see this at all...

I hope in the future they will have an OS X Pro version and an OS X consumer version... otherwise life might get frustrating... Even Tiger I am not too sure about; got it on my iBook, but not on my desktop - the latter is still running 10.3.9.

BTW, does anyone know if this can be switched off: whenever you change the suffix of a file (from .txt to .rtf, e.g.) in Tiger, it asks whether you are sure you want to do so.
