Just want to burn some songs I DIDN"T PURCHASE and DON'T HAVE TO PURCHASE as I created them. AND am not TRYING TO STEAL. I love this crap. So, I click on "Burn playlist" in iTUNES and I get the message "Can't find CD burner or software" which exists and can burn any data I want. Backed up a huge file on my compooter just to make sure something hadn't happened to the software or the burner. No problem. Go back to Itunes. Safari, all applications are turned off because I wouldn't want big brother to think I was trying to STEAL THEIR MUSIC....and I get "itunes can't find software or cd burner" when I put the blank CD in the CD BURNER. So, any suggestions for someone trying to burn some songs on a CD that he created himself? and didn't download? or wasn't sent by someone else trying to steal? OR WHATEVER OTHER PROBLEM? Of course, when you go to the APPLE site you get all the "purchased, sold, bought, tried to buy, want to buy, buy, buy, buy" problems you may encounter...but there is nothing that seems to answer this problem? I need these to send out to a potential PRODUCER out in the, oh, next two hours...something that should have taken ten minutes has already taken an hour of my life I will never get back. Guess I shouldn't have upgraded from iTunes 3.0 as there wasn't a problem then.