itunes genres

I read somewhere that you can, but it doesn't really matter.
A Genre entry containing "Pop, Electronica" will turn up in searches for either (or both) Genres.

A more useful Idea, if you believe in strong Typing of Genres, is If you want to use sub-genres with "Rockabilly", "Psychobilly" and "Thrashabilly", a search for "abilly" will show all these songs.

Likewise, "Punk Pop", "Punk, Electonica", "Punk-Rock" and "Punk" will all turn up in a search for "Punk"
Yeah... just type the 2 genres into the box. A number of CD's I own are officially classified as "Alternative & Punk" despite my opinions thereof.
Ugh, I tried this, but it really doesn't work. You're not REALLY assigning multiple genres to the song, you're just making new genres.

It's the same thing as if you had some songs that were "Hard Rock" and some that were "Rock." My smart playlists are set by genre to add songs "if genre is" a certain thing, and this totally throws it off. The songs won't show up at all if I add more genres with commas. If this truly made the song a multiple-genre song, the song would show up in two playlists.

For example: I have one smart playlist set to "Alternative" and another set to "Rock." If I edit a song's genre to be "Alternative, Rock" or even "Alternative Rock" then the song doesn't show up in EITHER playlist because the genre is "Alternative Rock" and the playlists are set to look for specific genres; either "Alternative" or "Rock."

It's just like editing the author of a song and adding another author. There still is only one author, separated by a comma or a space or something.

Until the ID3 tag or the song file or whatever actually KNOWS that there are multiple genres assigned to a song, all we're doing is kinda "hacking" or working around a limitation. It's not true multiple-genre.
Change your Smart Playlists from "is" to "contains", or to be even more specific, "Starts with" or "Ends with"
Well, I understand I can do that, but its still working around the problem, not really finding a solution to the problem.

Besides, if I change it to "contains," then the "Classic Rock" would also include all songs labeled simply "Rock," which isn't helpful when you're trying to make playlists by genres. The problem is that I'd have to tweak each individual playlist to get the exact settings I want, like changing "Classic Rock" to 'genre is' so it won't pick up the "Rock" songs, and changing the "Hard Rock" to 'starts with' to eliminate it from picking up the "Rock" songs as well. Each of my playlists would have different rules to work around the problem of that playlist picking up songs that don't belong in there.

True, multiple genres would be able to differentiate between each selection. For example, if the ID3 tags would allow multiple fields, like "Genre 1," "Genre 2," and so on, this problem would be solved and the smart playlists could look at each field individually and process the files like that. So, if in "Genre 1" I put "Rock" and in "Genre 2" I put "Alternative," for instance, that song would show up in both "Rock" and "Alternative" playlists, and NOT in "Classic Rock" or "Hard Rock" playlists.

I do realize there are workarounds for this, but they require some troubleshooting and some hit-and-miss tactics to get it to work. Thanks for the suggestions, though!