iTunes - Pepsi is a FARCE, a LIE, and a SHAME

I live in Des Moines, IA and we had iTunes Pepsi since the end of Jan. It might be due to the fact that we have a major Pepsi bottling disrto here in town. I had good luck with the first 7 I bought winning 6 out of 7 but I've bought about 3 since then and all been losers. The stores around here will yell at you if they see you looking through the bottle to see if it is a winner but sometimes you can sneak a peek and not get caught. I don't see what the big deal is, I'm still going to buy a Pepsi even if I can't find a winner. I mean really, I'm not just going to buy it for the song, I'm going to buy it because I'm thirsty and I want a Pepsi.
Orange County: It is now March 10th.... STILL inundated with Lakers' Pepsi, with no end in sight. Help.
tk4two1 said:
I'm not just going to buy it for the song, I'm going to buy it because I'm thirsty and I want a Pepsi.

Some of us will only buy it for the song.... I don't like pepsi at all. the only way i would buy a pepsi is because of this contest.
Griffkay said:
Some of us will only buy it for the song.... I don't like pepsi at all. the only way i would buy a pepsi is because of this contest.

If you don't like Pepsi, why pay (average here) $1.19-$1.29 for a chance .:unless you cheat:. of winning songs you can get directly from iTMS for $.99? :confused:
I don't think you can actually see the code by looking through the bottle, just whether there is a code or not. Hence, I doubt Fryke's warning should merit much attention. People actually have to buy the bottles to get the codes because they're printed like a dot matrix.
fryke said:
I hope you all are aware that now the tip is out to get to the winning-code without actually _buying_ a bottle, you may happen to buy a winner-bottle that doesn't win, because the code has already been claimed... ;-)

The problem with this is the amount of time it would take to stare at the code, twist the bottle to make out the full code... and memorize or write it down. While it is possible, the amount of effort to do so is not worth it. I would rather pay the 99 cents (our local soda price) for a song and a free Sierra Mist than cheat like THAT.


Anyway, I tried the 45 degree angle trick and I can EASILY see which ones are winners or losers. If you see the word "again", it's a loser. If you see the word "free" or "song", it's a winner! I picked up all the winners at the manhattan beach ralphs so don't bother going there! HAHAH!!

The worst cheat would be to just open the bottle, write down the code, and recap the bottle. That would SUCK.