

My HP PSC950 stopped working under MacOS 10.0.4 the other day (worked fun w/Classic though!) so I re-installed MacOS X. Did the updates, re-installed the printer, all is well.

I noticed today that I don't have iTunes. The only one I can find from Apple is v2.x, which requires 10.1! WTF?

Where can I get iTunes 1.1.x?

The HP PSC950 works w/MacOS X (which is why I bought it). It does NOT work at all under MacOS 10.1.

HP has promised an updated driver since November-ish, but nothing yet...

Sorry, no, what I meant was my PRINTER / SCANNER / COPIER (PSC) 950, which is advertised as working w/MacOS X, does NOT work with MacOS X.1.

Looked several different places, looks like Apple won't give out the older version anymore, but What about using OS9 version in classic? That gives the new features, but should run under 10.0.4??? (in Classic, of course) If youre not using Classic anymore, might be a reason to use that, until HP decides to get off their butt. Good Luck!
I actually tried iTunes v2.0.3 or something like that under Classic last night. Didn't work, and I didn't mess with it much. I tend to not use Classic -- don't even know my way around there that well. I always ran LinuxPPC before MacOS X came out.

I did find if I _upgrade_ to 10.1, instead of doing a fresh 10.1 install, I can still print. Can't scan though and haven't tried FAXing. The drivers won't install under 10.1 at all.

At least I have iTunes / KPIG back! Just recently starting listening to it, and I was missing it.

Before I updated iTunes to v2, I stuffed v1.1.2, I put it HERE for you. I'll keep it there for a day or so, I'll need the space back soon. :rolleyes:
Got it - THANKS!

I "upgraded" to 10.1.2 this morning, but if I want my scanner back, I'll have to drop back to 10.0.4.

Thanks again,
