On Jaguar 10.2.2 (running from a 450G4 tower with a Sony MultiSync 17" monitor) the monitor will go to black after a while if I have the screen saver on by itself, or both screen saver and energy saver!
Then the computer will not wake properly: It takes likes 30 secs for a cursor to appear on black, and like 15 seconds later the desktop will appear, but the dock is inactive, and I can't select anything on the desktop.
So, now I can never have a screen saver or energy saver set... have to power down each night, etc... This is not such a big deal to me, but it just points to a bigger problem I feel... anyone?
Then the computer will not wake properly: It takes likes 30 secs for a cursor to appear on black, and like 15 seconds later the desktop will appear, but the dock is inactive, and I can't select anything on the desktop.
So, now I can never have a screen saver or energy saver set... have to power down each night, etc... This is not such a big deal to me, but it just points to a bigger problem I feel... anyone?