Jaguar energy saver crashes?


On Jaguar 10.2.2 (running from a 450G4 tower with a Sony MultiSync 17" monitor) the monitor will go to black after a while if I have the screen saver on by itself, or both screen saver and energy saver!

Then the computer will not wake properly: It takes likes 30 secs for a cursor to appear on black, and like 15 seconds later the desktop will appear, but the dock is inactive, and I can't select anything on the desktop.

So, now I can never have a screen saver or energy saver set... have to power down each night, etc... This is not such a big deal to me, but it just points to a bigger problem I feel... anyone?
Mine does sort of the same thing. If I have logged out of the machine and I let it go to sleep, it sometimes will not allow use of the mouse or keyboard after logging in. But if it goes to sleep with the screensaver much like you say, it seems to work fine.

One problem i was having was when I plugged in an external firewire drive and left it connected and running when the computer went to sleep. The computer would nearly always hang. Now that I turn it off and unplug the firewire cable, everything seems fine.
yes, I do have an external firewire that I leave on... strange coincidence.
But, shutting it off or unplugging it seems more of an issue to me than just leaving it on... after all, should I unplug it everytime I walk away from the computer before it goes into energy-saver mode??!

How about disabling sleep? I'm assuming that checking the "put hard drive to sleep when possible" will save you electricity. Have the display blank but no real sleep.

That's interesting, though. Do you think they'll ever squash those Firewire bugs?

disabling sleep is something I've thought of installing on myself....

yes, I have done that, and that's the way I live on Jaguar now.
But screensaver also seems to sleep and go blank and crash after a while even when sleep is disabled: that's the bug I guess I'm hoping to fix.

Can I at least have some of those cool pics saving my screen without crashing?

Disabling sleep as we speak,
Shutting it off is a pain for me also. Although I have left it on the last couple of times my cube went to "sleep" overnight and it has started back up fine
sounds sketchy to me... however, those cubes were always a pandoras box from what I have seen...