Jaguar Icons


Recycle Me!
Is it possible to change icons in Jaguar? i tried changing the icons of my hard drives, and of applications, and it doesn't seem to work. It won't let me paste the new icon over the old...

anyone else have a similar problem?
You need to restart the finder. Or was it log out and back in? I don't remember. But it doesn't happen automatically like it used to. :rolleyes:

Mine happens automatically. No troubles copy/pasting new icons anywhere with Jag -- in fact, the first thing I did after installing was change all four hard drive icons. Flawless. Immediate update.
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Mine happens automatically. No troubles copy/pasting new icons anywhere with Jag -- in fact, the first thing I did after installing was change all four hard drive icons. Flawless. Immediate update.

same here... I don't have any problems with it. In fact, I just changed the icon for two HD's before reading this
I can change most icons on the fly as well. One I cannot, which I had in 10.1, was the /Applications/Utilities folder icon. Can anyone else change it?
Odd. Why won't mine change without a finder restart?


(update) it's the ones on my desktop that won't change without a finder restart. Other ones inside folders will. Most of the time.
Candybar is a really nice app, but as of now it can't change the Utilities folder icon. I emailed them and they said it is coming. :)