KU Mac Geek
From ThinkSecret:
August 1, 2002 - Earlier in the week, we reported that Apple was internally targeting Mac OS X v10.2, code-named Jaguar, to hit the final gold master stage this Friday. Think Secret has now confirmed that Jaguar has been declared "GM," as of early today or late yesterday.
The news came as a surprise to some developers, who expected a GM date more in line with Apple's own projections. Even more surprising is that the gold master build is 6C115, Final Candidate 1, which was built Wednesday. While the build runs well, many insiders predicted that several more final candidates would be seeded, possibly even up to build 6C120.
I don't know what I think of this... I thought it would be Friday for sure, and with talk of FC2 still being seeded, it seems more likely for that to be the GM.
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