Jaguar on unsupported machine


Has anyone else tried Jaguar (6c115) on an unsupported machine? I had 10.1.5 running beautifully on an 8600/200, 496 meg ram, via XPostFacto.

Then I upgraded to Jaguar. SLOW, slow slow...

So I blew the drive away (reformat) and did a clean install of Jaguar. Again, SLOW, slow, slow, much slower than 10.1.5 in every respect.

Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I realize "yes, I am installing it on an UNSUPPORTED machine," but I figured since 10.1.5 went so well that this Jaguar might run just as well.

Again, 10.1.5 runs OK on my 8600, not as fast as on my G4, but still pretty nicely. Just not Jaguar.
I'm running 10.1.5 on my 9500 as well, and it's not too bad, but not something I'd want to run all the time.
I agree that 10.1.5 runs comparably well on 200 MHz PPC 8600. The only *really* annoying part is trying to activate the root account via the Netinfo Manager. Each time I try to access the menu bar the cursor starts spinning for hours. If it finally stops and I try to click the menu again, it starts spinning again. Very annoying indeed.
I know that this particular problem is almost solved in 10.2 (my son got an eMac recently, I cant afford that ;-) However, the description of XPostFacto 2.2 states that 10.2 doesnt run on either 603 or 604 chips (you have read that part, have you). So Im surprised to hear that it does work.
Did anybody else experience the spinning cursor syndrome during root activation? Any solutions?
I get the spinning cursor when opening Netinfo Manager, but it eventually goes away.

I also get it when trying to add new users in the System Preferences, but that goes away as well. I got by with the problem and activated the root account via terminal commands I just found in another thread. yep, reading helps...
Still I am surprised that OSX 10.1.5 seems to work pretty well on the PPC 8600. I can almost say its not much slower than the eMac (700 MHz G4) running 10.1.4 (which was preinstalled). It was anightmare to watch the cursor spinning on that machine. It became *much* better when I upgraded to 10.2. Still it was too slow for my son´s games. He finally booted into OS9. So I decided to install OSX 10.1.4 on my PPC 8600 and upgraded it to 10.1.5.
But now a question: I have the 10.2 upgrade CD. Unlike the 10.1.5 upgrade which I achieved through the OSC Installer, 10.2 has to be installed/upgraded from a booted CD. XPostFacto say it cannot boot from the 10.2 CD withoud making an install on my HD with 10.1.5. Will the XPostFacto procedure (copying part of the kernel to the HD etc.) destroy any previous 10.1.5 parts? Did you make a clean 10.2 install?
In 9.2 I simply launched Xpostfacto and chose the option for installing onto the destination disk (where 10.1.5 was), then rebooted from the CD. Worked fine. After blowing the drive away the first time, did the same thing for a fresh install.

But silly me... One thing I did forget to do was check for Sonnet upgrades, as I have a G3 card in this machine. Seems they have a newer driver that supports Jaguar, so I'll be trying the whole thing again.
I've installed Jaguar on my 9600/G3-400MHz with 304MB RAM. It certainly is not a speed daemon but it is quite usable. I use it all the time at work, surrounded by Windblows machines that I am. It does the job which is all I can ask.
