

We have started use a java based database system, that holds pictures and data. THis then plug in to Quark and allows us to create catalogue pages in Quark and importing the data straight in quark. Easy!

The system is called Step by Stibo. I have noticed that our macs slow down to the speed of a G3 and slower in the afternoons. Even with a restart the speed is still slow.

Does Java have issues?
Perhaps the Java program has issues.

Java under Mac OS X has been pretty stable for me -- except when I run buggy programs. Java is a little slower than native code (C, Obj-C, etc.) since it runs in a virtual machine, but it's not THAT slow. If you're experiencing severe slowdowns, I would first suspect the Java program, not Java itself.
Is there anyway of limiting on OSX Java's maximum memory usage.
In Os9 you could specify limitations.
MacOS X automatically allocates each application as much memory (real and virtual) as it needs. Manually allocating memory is MacOS 9-think and is no longer necessary.